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Evil Chris 03-05-2003 01:49 PM

ICQ Error 133
I got this error again... Seems like every month or so, I have to go through my ICQ list and cull out contacts that I have either never used, or haven't used in years....

Here's the Q&A in case anyone needs to know! :)

Q. I am trying to add a user to my Contact List, but I get a "Message Code 133". What does this mean?

A. This code means you have too many users on your Contact List. The maximum number of users you can add is 600. If you wish, you can organize them into groups, and each group can include up to 250 users.
If you receive Message Code 133, we recommend you delete a few contacts from your Contact List to make room for new users.

Visualad 03-05-2003 08:42 PM

just to let you know , I had BIG fucking ICQ problems at one point this week. my whole contact list just got wiped out.. then suddenly.. after a few hours, it all came back. during this straNge shit, I got probably that same error and some others... I think its ICQ that has problems...

anyway.. I´m smiling now, as my 300+ are back on the list again:D

Evil Chris 03-06-2003 12:16 AM

Visualad... I'm happy to hear you got your contact list back.
What a bitch it would be if you had lost it...

ICQ has become such an important tool nowadays. I keep my list at the maximum it will allow, and it tends to slow my system down a bit at times. ICQ needs an overhaul I think...

Visualad 03-06-2003 09:43 AM


Originally posted by Evil Chris
Visualad... I'm happy to hear you got your contact list back.
What a bitch it would be if you had lost it...

ICQ has become such an important tool nowadays. I keep my list at the maximum it will allow, and it tends to slow my system down a bit at times. ICQ needs an overhaul I think...

yeah ICQ means alot. I never thought of the possibility of "what if" I lost the list. but when It was gone, man.. I freaked out. good thing it came back, but I do suggest all of you who use ICQ and has lots of contacts, to backup the ICQ folder with the contacts and all. just as a "precaution", its easy, just take a copy of the folder every now and then, and all should be ok.


StacyCat 03-06-2003 12:12 PM

Okay, I thought I had too much, and I only have like 15 or so!

Purple Haze 03-06-2003 02:00 PM

Keep building up your list StacyCat. :) You've got to remember that Chris has been building his list for years. He has a six digit ICQ number. I don't think anyone has been able to beat that. :)

Purple Haze

wsjb78 03-06-2003 02:06 PM

I run two ICQ lists at once.... a 7-digit for personal use and the business use is run by Trillian ICQ....

On my personal one I had also at one stage 350+ contacts and cut it down meanwhile to 73!

Btw, to improve performance, get rid of the ADS that blend it. It's quite simple to do and / or get rid of the history. That will speed up ICQ immensly!

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