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Magnus3x 10-07-2008 12:09 PM

Is our downfall our media obsession??
Insane the influence saturated media is having on the global economy. Fuel prices and of course the turmoil of the world markets.

Let's take for example the rumor last week that Steve Jobs of Apple, blogs started writing about how he had a heart attack, which was not true. But with all the RSS feeds and blogs populating their content with those feeds instantly and it spread like fire. When it was fact checked as a hoax, the damage was already done, their stock dropped 10%!!

Recession and market crashes get so much attention, the media literally telling you,- the consumer, that you are not going on vacation and you are not buying anything and it seems to be catching on, they only tell you of the gloom.

The business section of my Google reader may as well come with a razor blade with all the economic sky is falling.

True that the world economy is in some serious shit and self inflicted due to all the greed and excess, but would it have mushroomed so quickly if there wasn't so much TV, Newspaper and blog attention given to it?

It just seems way too easy and the scariest word right now is "speculation".

Evil Chris 10-07-2008 12:17 PM

I think you'll see a return to a more simpler existance for many people. I know that for myself, I'll withdraw to a quiet, green, and tranquil place when I finally decide to take things at a much reduced pace.

One thing that I don't agree with in today's society is that we are all way too accessible. Everyone just has to have a phone on them at all times now. It's unfortunate.

Rochard 10-07-2008 12:38 PM

Very interesting thread really.....

I recall recently that one news source posted that someone died, only to retract it because it was put online "by mistake". Turns out the news organizations have obits in place before people die and one got put on line by accident. But the damage was done and it quickly hit message boards.

It's gotten to the point where the news is being reported too quickly, and mistakes are quickly spread around the world instantly.

Magnus3x 10-07-2008 01:10 PM

I'm watching our so called Prime Minister talk on TV delivering his election platform and they have the TSX (Toronto Stock Exchange) ticker beside his head.. and it kept dropping and dropping as he talked LOL.

Evil Chris 10-07-2008 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by Magnus3x (Post 148801)
I'm watching our so called Prime Minister talk on TV delivering his election platform and they have the TSX (Toronto Stock Exchange) ticker beside his head.. and it kept dropping and dropping as he talked LOL.

Symbolic suggestion perhaps, but that sort of thing is really just coincidental. Harper has done all right with a minority government in the recent political climate.

Magnus3x 10-07-2008 03:46 PM

Minority government is the key and if it happens again (like I suspect) this election was a very large waste of money. Leaving their platform for the last week of the election was extremely arrogant and it may have back fired due to the coincidental markets slide.

Lessons learned I am sure.

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