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Evil Chris 10-27-2008 11:12 AM

Do you enjoy painting?
I'm in the middle of painting our son's room. It was a unisex yellow and suited him well during his infant/toddler years, but he's 5 now and going to school so Funbrunette and I decided it was time to re-decorate his room with new furniture and of course new paint. So now it's a boyish shade of blue.

I'm not a big fan of painting though. We're doing it ourselves since it's a fairly easy room. Not a lot of angles or much taping to do. Pretty much just straight primer and paint. I still don't like doing it much. We have a few other rooms on the radar for painting, but I'd much rather just hire someone who really knows what they're doing and get the job done faster.

Funbrunette 10-27-2008 01:31 PM

Come on babe you're almost done! "You can do it"! :laughout:

Crak_JMan 10-27-2008 01:40 PM

I love painting, did it for a living for a couple of years back in da day ;-)

Visualad 10-27-2008 02:06 PM

ok.. I know sun glasses can be unisex.. I know clothing can be.. But ITS THE FIRST time I hear a colour is UNISEX.. But ok..

I just pray that if I ever buy a yellowish tshirt in the future.. That is will be a MANS MANLY Yellow type colour. a yellow that would even make FABIO comfortable in his manly man sexual orientation..


Evil Chris 10-27-2008 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by Visualad (Post 149447)
ok.. I know sun glasses can be unisex.. I know clothing can be.. But ITS THE FIRST time I hear a colour is UNISEX.. But ok..

I just pray that if I ever buy a yellowish tshirt in the future.. That is will be a MANS MANLY Yellow type colour. a yellow that would even make FABIO comfortable in his manly man sexual orientation..


You can get much more unisex than Fabio's yellow hair...

Vid Vicious 10-27-2008 02:30 PM

Unisex color ? Sounds more like someone is trying to prove something ..

Dude it's ok to like Pink . though for your son's bedroom I'd go with a nice Male Blue .. You'r office can def b a unisex PINK

Evil Chris 10-27-2008 02:33 PM

You too with the unisex pink?? Is that even possible???

Visualad 10-27-2008 02:33 PM


Originally Posted by Vid Vicious (Post 149449)
Unisex color ? Sounds more like someone is trying to prove something ..

Dude it's ok to like Pink . though for your son's bedroom I'd go with a nice Male Blue .. You'r office can def b a unisex PINK

you know.. this is the exact same thing I told Chris on ICQ..

I said if you start separating colours into female/male/gay/straight.. Then .. You might just be .. coming out of the closet. ;-)

Vid Vicious 10-27-2008 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by Evil Chris (Post 149450)
You too with the unisex pink?? Is that even possible???


Dude I've been seeing lots of Spike boys in Pink polo's lately .. I think it's a trend to show women they're fem side But we weren't talking about others or even me .. we were disccussing you r issues with color racisim

Funbrunette 10-27-2008 02:56 PM


Originally Posted by Evil Chris (Post 149448)
You can get much more unisex than Fabio's yellow hair...

LMAO!!!!!! FABIO!!!! :laughout:

12ClicksMichele 10-27-2008 03:06 PM

I think I like the idea of painting. I get it started and halfway through the project it becomes a chore. Of course I refuse to tape off anything so I guess its after I get paint everywhere I am not supposed to that I start getting annoyed.

Crak_JMan 10-27-2008 06:09 PM


Originally Posted by Vid Vicious (Post 149456)

Dude I've been seeing lots of Spike boys in Pink polo's lately .. I think it's a trend to show women they're fem side But we weren't talking about others or even me .. we were disccussing you r issues with color racisim

Please do not put these spike boys in pink polo in the same category of men as us. That's fucking blasphemy right there.

Rania 10-27-2008 07:37 PM

Make sure to post pictures of the new room please :)

ExLust 10-27-2008 10:16 PM

I love painting. My mom allow to paint my room when I was grade school. And in school
I won some painting contest before. So nice to express your mood in colors.

Evil Chris 10-27-2008 11:04 PM


Originally Posted by Rania (Post 149485)
Make sure to post pictures of the new room please :)

I'll revisit this thread later with a pic when his new room is all done.

thruma 10-28-2008 02:36 AM

I remember seeing something on tv years ago about a pink room being very relaxing and calming. So some police station painted one of the holding rooms pink and put unruly criminals in there to calm down.

They discovered it worked well for about an hour or so but if left in to long they would get into a rage.

Kristine 10-28-2008 12:25 PM

I painted myself my new apartment twice. So, I can say I like to paint, my problem is the cleaning after.

Cyndalie 10-29-2008 01:15 PM

I enjoy it! I like doing themed rooms too.
Here's the nursery we did for our baby
She was a suprise baby, and I love her nursery so much to this day!

Funbrunette 10-29-2008 01:18 PM


Originally Posted by Cyndalie (Post 149641)
I enjoy it! I like doing themed rooms too.
Here's the nursery we did for our baby
She was a suprise baby, and I love her nursery so much to this day!

NIce job Cyn I REALLY like it! It's very warm :)

TheEnforcer 10-29-2008 02:09 PM

I can't STAND doing "handyman" type of stuff whetehr it's painting, fixing the sink, car work etc. There are plenty of talented and hard working people out there that I can pay to do those things for me!! :)

jakethedog 11-02-2008 07:32 PM

I HATE PAINTING !! .. my wife makes me paint every 3 years or so .. and me with 4 fricken kids .. have painted each of their bedroom a few times .. .. takes me 3 time to get it to her approval .. and right now am in the middle of painting living room .. Kitchen and laundry room .. the bad news is .. first off .. roofers never flashed the rear area well enough .. water ran inside walls around glass doors .. contractors have been here a week removing flooring ..siding and dry wall in my kitchen .. total construction site .. THEN....who ever painted years ago never primed over the paint in the kitchen and I am having to actually scrap the FUCKING paint from the walls where ever the bond was shitty ..just making me love it more and more ..

dyonisus 11-02-2008 08:47 PM

I enjoy painting especially if it is a room in MY place. Right now I share and though I have painted my bedroom the rest of the house is up to the boss lady landlord.

When an ex and I did our house we spet time in every room redoing it over a 3 week period, kitchen bathroom, bedroom, living room, and some of the floors. Its a great wknd or vacation project

ScreaM 11-03-2008 01:17 AM

Used to love painting as a kid, not anymore.

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