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Funbrunette 10-27-2008 03:00 PM

Ok fess up! Who's got piercings?
I'll go first...lol I use to have a lot, but being a Mom made me remove the obvious one's (my nose and tongue) now I only have my navel (and ears of course)and a very sensitive "hood" piercing (just had it re-done last week and I'm still walking funny...lol) :laughout:

Vid Vicious 10-27-2008 03:21 PM

Mmm .. hood piercing ... Mmmm

Ok now that I've had my mornin wood .. I can respond to your post .. LOL

I have my ear pierced but used to have my tongue pierced . do you remember that ? FB ? EC? GC? We did it live on web cam . i think I cryed like a baby .. don't really remember.. I had lost that peircing serveral months later while eating a Smoke meat sandwich at Abbie's .. Swallowed the ball .. by the time i got home (approx 20 -30 min) the hole had already closed up .. I wasn't about to try it again .. Besides she wasn't THAT worth it . LOL

Do you guys have any pics of that ? Would love to see them if we can locate them .. they should be somewhere on this world wide web thingy ... you must of heard about it

Funbrunette 10-27-2008 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by Vid Vicious (Post 149463)
Mmm .. hood piercing ... Mmmm

Ok now that I've had my mornin wood .. I can respond to your post .. LOL

I have my ear pierced but used to have my tongue pierced . do you remember that ? FB ? EC? GC? We did it live on web cam . i think I cryed like a baby .. don't really remember.. I had lost that peircing serveral months later while eating a Smoke meat sandwich at Abbie's .. Swallowed the ball .. but the time i got home (approx 20 -30 min) the hole had already closed up .. I wasn't about to try it again .. Besides she wasn't THAT worth it . LOL

Do you guys have any pics of that ? Would love to see them if we can locate them .. they should be somewhere on this world wide web

Hahahahaha! I TOTALLY remember let me do a quick research I think I may have saved it. Why did you take it out babe it was HOT!!!!!

Vid Vicious 10-27-2008 03:27 PM


Originally Posted by Funbrunette (Post 149464)
Hahahahaha! I TOTALLY remember let me do a quick research I think I may have saved it. Why did you take it out babe it was HOT!!!!!

I had several hardware for it .. you remember my ex of the time . she had all these little rubber attachments I would use on her .. ... ... ... ...

Anyhow . I had an plastic or Acrylic ball. it cracked when biting down on an authentic Montreal SMOKEMEAT .... Hole closed within the half hour .. so never did it again .. I wouldn't go thru that again niehter . I had felt the Needle go thru my tongue .. it wasn't the type of feeling I enjoy . so no more .. been thinking of getting pierced right above my right eye .. But I doubt I'll ever have the heuvo's to do it

Now that I've Shaved my Head .. Many girls are suggesting that I pierce my other ear .. it's up for debate

Funbrunette 10-27-2008 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by Vid Vicious (Post 149465)
I had several hardware for it .. you remember my ex of the time . she had all these little rubber attachments I would use on her .. ... ... ... ...

Anyhow . I had an plastic or Acrylic ball. it cracked when biting down on an authentic Montreal SMOKEMEAT .... Hole closed within the half hour .. so never did it again .. I wouldn't go thru that again niehter . I had felt the Needle go thru my tongue .. it wasn't the type of feeling I enjoy . so no more .. been thinking of getting pierced right above my right eye .. But I doubt I'll ever have the heuvo's to do it

Now that I've Shaved my Head .. Many girls are suggesting that I pierce my other ear .. it's up for debate

Still searching for the vid Evil, Good Chris? Anyone? Listen I just got the hood of my clit pierced and TRUST me it did not feel good, but it was 4 seconds of pain and I went alone. So let me know if you go I'll hold your hand! :laughout:

SBR Richard 10-27-2008 04:08 PM

i have a labrett and two nipple hoops..

fun times!

Crak_JMan 10-27-2008 06:07 PM

I have a few, got a new one done not to long ago ;-)

Rania 10-27-2008 06:54 PM


Originally Posted by JMan (Post 149478)
I have a few, got a new one done not to long ago ;-)

Where? I have one pierced nipple it hurt too much to do the other one :geez:

Crak_JMan 10-27-2008 07:39 PM


Originally Posted by Rania (Post 149484)
Where? I have one pierced nipple it hurt too much to do the other one :geez:

Between shaft and scrotum.

I also have ear and nipple.

ExLust 10-27-2008 10:12 PM

I like looking navel pierced. But so afraid to have one. Well, I only have my ears pierced when I was 3y/o.

Evil Chris 10-27-2008 10:54 PM

I pierced my left ear myself twice back in younger days.

Virgule3 10-28-2008 10:41 PM

I have a few too...

Left nipple
Navel (retired, I got too fat=ugly)
Horizontal clit hood (retired but thinking about having it redone)
Vertical clit hood (retired but thinking about having it redone)
Wrist (it rejected :( )
Tragus (the little part of your ear just above the lobe)

Funbrunette 10-29-2008 07:20 AM


Originally Posted by Virgule3 (Post 149609)
I have a few too...

Left nipple
Navel (retired, I got too fat=ugly)
Horizontal clit hood (retired but thinking about having it redone)
Vertical clit hood (retired but thinking about having it redone)
Wrist (it rejected :( )
Tragus (the little part of your ear just above the lobe)

Wrist? Ouch ouch ouch! What do you mean it rejected it?

Funbrunette 10-29-2008 07:23 AM

It's weird that I got the hood of my clit pierced, but I got very queezy and almost passed out when I thought of a wrist piercing....lol

12ClicksMichele 10-29-2008 09:54 AM

Now I am just down to the nose ring and three in each ear. Used to have my eyebrow done but had to keep taking it out for a mainstrean job and starting developing scar tissue from me constantly pushing it back through so I gave up.

Always wanted to get my belly button done but cant stand having my belly button touched so dont know if I can sit still for the clamp.

Oh and for the record every hot guy should have their nipples pierced, it should be a law.

Cyndalie 10-29-2008 09:55 AM

Re-done? Yeowch!

I had a belly ring but I took it out about a year ago when my belly started getting big from the pregnancy. I have no plans to redo it - it hurt too bad the first time!

RD_Shane 10-29-2008 11:22 AM

Currently I just have my nose piercing but I'm considering a labrett, eyebrow and the top of my ears done. I thought about a belly button piercing cause I think they look hot but I'm to big for it. They just don't look as good surrounded by a bunch of fat.

Quagmire 10-29-2008 11:38 AM


Originally Posted by Evil Chris (Post 149503)
I pierced my left ear myself twice back in younger days.

Yeah, I had 3 up the left ear back in the day. I took them out when my daughter was born because she kept trying to yank them out. The one time having two yanked out was enough reason to stop wearing them.

I keep thinking about putting them back in, but then I see something shiny or with pretty colours and get sidetracked.

Rochard 10-29-2008 12:08 PM

I have none. I don't see the point in it. I don't like piercings, and I don't like tattoos either.

12ClicksMichele 10-29-2008 12:57 PM

I will admit that I am a little wierd when it comes to piercings. I can go and sit for 3 hours and get tattooed no problem but when it comes to that needle getting stuck through me I get a little squeamish. I really wanted to get my nose and eyebrow done so I soldiered through that.

I really cant wait to get more ink done. Looking forward to half sleeving my arm.

Virgule3 10-29-2008 01:59 PM


Originally Posted by Funbrunette (Post 149617)
Wrist? Ouch ouch ouch! What do you mean it rejected it?

Yeah, I had my right wrist pierced. http://mysticpiercing.com/wrist.htm It's not me but this is what I had but with little white balls, not metal ones.

I LOVED it, but because it is a surface piercing, the body will reject it, push it out naturally. Also, I kept playing with it which didn't help.

I still have tiny little scars where the holes were. I didn't hurt. Piercings are so quick...

Virgule3 10-29-2008 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by 12ClicksMichele (Post 149622)

Oh and for the record every hot guy should have their nipples pierced, it should be a law.


SykkBoy 10-29-2008 02:13 PM

all I have left is one ear piercing

I used to have my nose pierced and even had the silly chain that went from nose to ear, but got rid of the nosering when I started having kids (they love to yank that shit).

I'm due for my nipple piercing this weekend as part of a group initiation thing for Rocky Horror :)

Funbrunette 10-29-2008 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by SykkBoy (Post 149655)
all I have left is one ear piercing

I used to have my nose pierced and even had the silly chain that went from nose to ear, but got rid of the nosering when I started having kids (they love to yank that shit).

I'm due for my nipple piercing this weekend as part of a group initiation thing for Rocky Horror :)

We will want to see some action shots! :laughout:

SykkBoy 10-29-2008 05:05 PM


Originally Posted by Funbrunette (Post 149675)
We will want to see some action shots! :laughout:

We'll be videotaping all of the action :)

Vid Vicious 10-31-2008 12:15 AM


Originally Posted by Funbrunette (Post 149470)
Still searching for the vid Evil, Good Chris? Anyone? Listen I just got the hood of my clit pierced and TRUST me it did not feel good, but it was 4 seconds of pain and I went alone. So let me know if you go I'll hold your hand! :laughout:

You'll have to hold alot more then my hand ...

"I never forget a pussy... cat." -- Austin Powers

NicAngel 10-31-2008 02:28 AM

belly button twice
tongue twice
nose once
hood once
took 'em all out. over it.

Funbrunette 10-31-2008 07:50 AM


Originally Posted by Vid Vicious (Post 149770)
You'll have to hold alot more then my hand ...

No problem with me! :laughout:

Kristine 10-31-2008 11:34 AM

I only have piercings in my years. I tried one in the nose, but it hurt to much and now is gone.

Vid Vicious 10-31-2008 02:28 PM


Originally Posted by Kristine (Post 149802)
I only have piercings in my years. I tried one in the nose, but it hurt to much and now is gone.

makes it tough to pick

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