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Evil Chris 10-29-2008 04:29 PM

What would you do with this blog?
I'm looking for ideas...


It's my very first blog with Wordpress, so that's just a little learning curve.
I've been told the domain is a good one, but I'm a little unsure what I should be doing with it.

Visualad 10-29-2008 05:15 PM

make it a non adult site where you ramble about american society, culture, politics and how pron will lead a person to the gates of hell? ;-)

seriously though.. Sounds like a non adult site where you talk about America... maybe talk about what you would change or whatever.

you can end each blog post with the words:

"So....I guess what I´m saying is.. Good Luck America!"

TheLegacy 10-29-2008 09:23 PM

Well if you want to keep it adult - find a girl you can nike name "america".. with the idea - that everyone gets screwed around her.

if you want to keep it political in nature, then the obvious choice is finding weird articles of stupid americans in what they do. That way the concept is, "good luck america with people like this living next door".

Panky 10-29-2008 11:37 PM

Blog about American politics.
Turn it into a gamblers site targeting Americans.

ExLust 10-30-2008 02:58 AM

Uhmmm.. put something about good places, restaurant reviews, hang-outs inside America.

Rochard 10-30-2008 08:55 AM

Needs a lot of work really.....

Evil Chris 10-30-2008 10:00 AM


Originally Posted by Rochard (Post 149717)
Needs a lot of work really.....

I've been trying to bait you into some advice lately. Haven't you noticed?

RD_Shane 10-30-2008 03:36 PM

Hey Chris... love the domain name.
I kinda dug on the idea of having it about politics but then again I'm a bit biased. You could find politically minded individuals to do guests posts on there to help "plump" it up a bit.

Vid Vicious 10-30-2008 06:28 PM

Damn that would make a great porn movie !!!!

Teens getting banged in the oval office .. interns and politian gangbangs .. sweet !!

"these are the exacts circumstances people find themselfs in, right before having sex for money." - Miri (elizabeth banks)

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