X Nations

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-   -   ?!?!?! 100% 3 Month Rev-Share from TOP CHOICE CASH no BS included !?!?!? (http://www.xnations.com/showthread.php?t=23122)

jakethedog 11-10-2008 05:22 PM

?!?!?! 100% 3 Month Rev-Share from TOP CHOICE CASH no BS included !?!?!?
TOP CHOICE CASH would like to finally announce a no bullshit, straight up wicked, fucking promotion !!

Sell 1 join and you will make up to 3 x 100% off of it .....

"HOW CAN IT BE ???, "SAY IT ISN'T SO..!!! "

Very simply send:

........................... 1 join and you will receive 100% revenue share from it for a FULL 3 months
.......................100 joins you STILL receive 100% revenue share from it for a FULL 3 months
.....................1 meeellion joins and you STILL receive 100% revenue share from it for a FULL 3 months
.......After the first 3 month revenue share split you will continue to receive our industry standard 50% lifetime revenue share payout

.... My reasoning .......

I have been reading, and realizing that affiliates love the large $$ of the big PPS programs, but are starting to lose faith in some of these programs with all the rumors and questions of "how do they even make money to pay the huge payout ?
" Sick of having to handtrack your joins and send notifications to receive your owed promotional rates?
We will monitor every incoming revenue share sale starting now and end when we have too many damn members !!...
Each and every 50% revshare sale registered for the next 90 days will be manually credited by me or munki to receive a full 100% revenue share rate.

1. Sales must be sent through 50% revenue share program.
2. All standard biller processing fees will apply.
3. Each revenue share join sent will be manually credited from our standard 50% rate to a full 100% rate for a period of 90 days.
4. Flamers will be tarred and feathered, or have munki poo flung in your general direction.

more info contact myself or Munki .. munki@topchoicecash.com

Funbrunette 11-10-2008 07:41 PM

Great news! :)

jakethedog 11-11-2008 12:32 PM


Originally Posted by Funbrunette (Post 150358)
Great news! :)

Hey thank you .. Oh and Kev said to say hi .. so Hi.. :)

jakethedog 11-11-2008 07:42 PM

Some times a fully clothed picture can be soooo Sexy ..


jakethedog 11-13-2008 01:23 AM

Wanna Lick .. ??


jakethedog 11-18-2008 10:51 AM

A little Bump for some ASS .....


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