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Cyndalie 11-17-2008 09:53 AM

Back to the Bump and Grind
Well I took a bunch of odd days off the past 2 weeks, my mom was in town and I took the baby out of daycare. Sad to put her back in today. Sad to see my mom go. We went a bunch of places while she was here visiting. Independance Hall, The Liberty Bell, Longwood Gardens, visit my in-laws in Delaware. It was good fun. But she left and I cried and when it rains it pours...to top it off a tree limb fell on my husbands car yesterday and smashed the hell out of it :( It's not driveable. Totally sucks.

So back to work. I'll get out an Xnations newsletter this week once I get all caught up and back in the working groove.

How's everyone doing?

Evil Chris 11-17-2008 10:49 AM

Good news bad news Cyn.... Well I'm glad you had a ncie visit with your Mom.
My Mom lives close to us now. It's nice since we only used to see her a few times a year, and now it's every week or more.

Tough one about the car. Insurance get you a replacement yet?

Cyndalie 11-17-2008 11:13 AM

An adjuster is supposed to come out this week.

Abernathy SixtySix 11-17-2008 11:21 AM

That sux Cyn, but I am sure you had a good time while she was here...I am off to florida again and will be 1800 miles away from me Mum but hopefully she will come visit me next...

B O B 11-17-2008 11:51 AM

bumping and grinding with you Cyn is a bad thing?


Rochard 11-17-2008 06:13 PM

Days off? What's that?

12ClicksMichele 11-18-2008 08:49 AM

It always seems that the bad things comes in threes and the good things come not often enough.

So glad you got to hang out with your mom even though it wasnt the same without you in the office!

Evil Chris 11-18-2008 09:26 AM

I'm thinking we need pics of this "bump and grind" ;)

Cyndalie 11-18-2008 02:00 PM

Hmm, I searched Google images and this came up


Crak_JMan 11-18-2008 02:45 PM

Oh you mean work... I was thinking of another kind of bump and grinding ;-)

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