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SexArise 11-19-2008 01:50 PM

SexArise.com : The Worlds Hottest Erotic Workout Video
This ain't your 20 minute workout! It's nude!

We've just launched our new affiliate program which pays out 50% of the gross margin to our affiliates. Affiliates earn a flat $5 per erotic workout DVD sold!

Visit us at http://www.sexarise.com to learn more about our unique product, and see some videos which describe the product. A link to our affiliate link is located at the bottom of site.

Kind Regards,
Michael Bollero
Affiliate Program Manager

SexArise 12-04-2008 10:28 PM

New stills, banners, and clips....
Thanks to all those who have signed up as new affiliates. I now have some excellent nude stills and vid clips which will be implemented into the site by Monday. This will likely increase our conversion rate significantly at SexArise.com

We needed some labia and breasts flapping in the wind, and it shall be here shortly!


SexArise 12-19-2008 09:02 PM

Feedback wanted for beta launch of new Brand : Sexarise.com
Hi folks,

My name is Michael Bollero and I'm the Affiliate Manager for RAHFA Entertainment out of Toronto, Canada.

Please have a quick look at our new site design for SexArise.com, and feel free to provide us with feedback here in this thread.

Three days ago we uploaded new site graphics, and added a clip from the actual SexArise! Nude Workout DVD. There is also now a large gallery of 133 photos which I think needs to be trimmed down.

We have also added a host of new banners for our affiliate program which we run using the idevaffiliate platform.

A warm thanks to our affiliates on this board for growth that we have shared since our launch late last month. The feedback has been great, and we have tried to implement as many of your requests and suggestions as possible as we continue to tweak our conversions upward.

Note that the new site graphics still have to optimized for slower connections, but the pages still work.

Happy Holidays!


SexArise 12-27-2008 05:27 PM

SexArise.com : Conversion Rates Up
Thanks for the feedback guys.

As you can guess, ours is a new site - and there are some experimental elements within the site that are there at the request of various people on our marketing team.

Since it's my job to help implement suggestions that improve conversion rates for affiliates - you can be sure I'll be recommending the following for our next round of site changes;

1) Removing the You Tube player and replacing it with our own video player and a single non-xxx video.

2) Inside, removing the existing 'On the Set of Sexarise' video and replacing it with graphic xxx video clips from the actual DVD.

3) Trimming down the pic gallery to maybe 25 to 50 of the best still shots from the DVD.

4) Lastly, adding a paid streaming option for customers.

Feel free to let me know if I missed anything here.

Again, thanks for the feedback & good luck to all adult webmasters here for 2009!



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