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LizAEBN 11-26-2008 10:47 AM

Exclusive Release of Not Bewitched XXX
Not Bewitched XXX is now availible exclusively in the AEBN video on demand system. AEBN is the only place your surfers can view this record-breaking movie from X-Play. To make sure you're ready to cash in on the excitement, we've loaded up our site with banners and galleries made especially for Not Bewitched XXX's promotion. Make sure you get your piece of the action from what has been one of the biggest movies of 2008!
Log in and get them now here.[/URL]

Want a page bump? Linking is easy when you use your ref id to replace the "XXXXX" and your theatre id to replace "YYYYY":
Angelina Evangellina
Jenna Haze
Sasha Grey
You can grab banners, too. Just log into your account here[/URL] - you'll find these and more:

Make sure to check in with your rep if you have any questions, or hit me up.

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