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Feynman 03-10-2003 04:09 PM

Lessons of Quebec French
Lessons of Quebecois French by Pr. Elvis Gratton...


Even our cousins from France would profit by taking the course curriculum.

:nuts: :angel: :rofl:

Funbrunette 03-10-2003 04:14 PM

Maudit crisse de tabarnac que les Quebecois ont pas de classe des fois...lol I love it! :laughout:

Evil Chris 03-10-2003 04:50 PM

BWAHAHAHA.... even if you don't speak French, that stuff is hilarious OSTIE!! :bonk:

McAttack 03-11-2003 01:35 AM


BuggyG 03-11-2003 09:53 AM

ROFL!!!! was on the fucking floor after hearing them. Had to control myself from laffing too hard. GROS CRISSE DE MONGUL!! VAS DONC CHIER TABARNAK!! MAN!! I gotta find me a copy of the movie again. Anyone wanna burn me one?!?!? ROFL!!

Thanx alot. It made my CALISSE de day STIE!!! Now the only thing left to say to finish off the post.

THINK BIG STIE!!!!:bonk: :cackle: :rofl:

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