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garcia 12-23-2008 02:41 PM

What the new 2257 means to me
The first time 2257 hit (that black day in history) I closed down 1000 sites in two days and considered leaving the business. Instead I retooled and started using tease (pg or r rated) promo material and not pushing sponsors that would not supply the material I needed. Everyone in the industry was screaming and running around all predictng that the adult industry as a whole and the internet adult industry in particular was doomed.

For me 2257 actually increased my sales because the pg/r rated promo generated more click-thrus to my sponsors. So I ended up making more money on a lot less bandwidth and with a lot less work. As the time went by I let a little hardcore creep back in but never much. On all my blogs and sites right now hardcore promo is less than 5% of the total. The remainder is softcore and weaker.

The biggest benefit of the first round of 2257 was that it knocked a very large number of "part-time" webmasters right out of the business. Some estimates are that it cut the webmaster competition by as much as 2/3 as the fear factor took root and people who were making nothing anyway (but who were using up perfectly good surfer clicks) bailed en masse.

So I am glad to see 2257 round 2. Won't bother me a bit to go to r rated or weaker promo on everything. The surfer will just click thru to the sponsor all that much quicker. Hopefully the competition (other webmasters) will commit mass suicide at the same rate as well. This industry has been over populated since the late 90's really. Over-populated and under-regulated. Those of us in for the long haul should see yet another income increase in a few months.

I have been in this industry since the early 80's and I have watched the government try to kill it many times. That was a mistake every time they tried it but the government had to try to kill the industry because to regulate it (the other option) was to make the adult industry legitimate. From Edwin Meese trying to put us all in jail for interstate transportation of pornography to the Bush administration's early attempts to classify us all as the sembelance of pure evil. It was all the wrong way for the government to do it.

2257 is the right way. Regulate us and let those regulations force the weak hearted and part time webmasters out of the business. Then the rest of us can grow at a normal pace. And those of us who learn to survive the regulation will grow and prosper. Consider government regulation of tobacco and booze. That regualtion cemented those industries places in the American economy. It will do the same for us.


NY Jester 12-26-2008 01:58 AM

Good way to look at it Garcia. The tease will bring them back..or in this case, get them to it.

Lawrence Connor 12-26-2008 02:34 PM

Perhaps it is not necessary for the webmasters to commit suicide, although I will not oppose that either, sorry, but I may be a bit biased.

TheLegacy 12-28-2008 09:50 PM

Think it's called thining of the herd

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