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Ronaldo 03-12-2003 12:15 PM

God-and my Mother-In-Law
I had this conversation last night with my Mother-In-Law that I thought I'd throw out for discussion.

I'm agnostic in that I'd like to BELIEVE that there's a God, but I'd need to see some sort of proof (I'm from Missouri).

Two points that were brought up really bugged my ass.

I told her that if there was a God, he wouldn't allow a 2 year old baby to be raped and killed with a brick to her head. Then make her parents pay to feed this man for the rest of his life.

Her lame ass argument was that God put us here to do the "Will of man" or "Men will do, what men will do", some crap like that. Whatever.

Then she said that she "Felt sorry for me", because I must be a very angry person.

I reiterated and told her that I "Felt sorry for her" because her life must be so empty that she needed something outside of her life to believe in and give her strength.

I told her that I'm very happy and look to my family for my strength and don't need some false idol to pray to.

Now on THAT note, I do truly envy those that CAN have the faith. I saw the strength that it DID give to my Mother-In-Law when her husband died. If that what it takes her to get though tough times, all the power to her. I wish that I COULD believe, but I can't. But, I was fucking pissed off when she questioned MY beliefs and MY happiness.

One more questions that no religious freak has ever been able to answer to my satisfaction is this. Are there different levels of hell? I'm sure I've broken some of the ten commandments so if am I going to hell for say, stealing a car or something, am I gonna be sitting right beside Hitler?

twinkley 03-12-2003 02:41 PM

Okay... trying NOT to get involved, let me explain hell from a "christian" standpoint. (no, i do not consider myself any religion)

There are no "levels" of hell or heaven. You either go to heaven - or you go to hell.

The reason for this is that christians believe Jesus died for your sins - so as long as you repent, and are genuinely sorry for what you did wrong, you will be forgiven and go to heaven. The key to all this, as with most things, is you really have to be sorry for what you did and do all you can to make right by whatever it is and not do it again. Not just saying sorry :)


Panky 03-12-2003 03:09 PM

No person has the right to pass judgement onto another person. She believes what she believes. You believe what you believe. We all have opinions. But that's all they are - opinions.

God, Heaven, Hell, Evolution, Creation, Polytheism, life after death, reincarnation, life and death, evil, are all theories and concepts that humans do not have answers for, nor do we understand. We can guess all we want to, but none of us knows how we got here as humans and what happens when we die.

No one is correct in believing what they believe. No one is wrong either. Humans need something to believe in. Whether it'd be faith, love, hope, themselves, psychics...., to get them through life. It's how we deal with "life". It's what makes us unique as humans.

<img src="http://smilies.sofrayt.com/%5E/r/biggrininvert.gif" width="15" height="15">

Feynman 03-13-2003 11:52 AM

Unresolved contradictions have the brain analysis engine iterate until the contradiction is resolved. Some questions makes it loop wildly.

Sometimes, it's the question that's defective, some other time, it's the basic premises that are lacking to stop the looping.

When this happens, the individual feels an inner pressure, an anxiety to solve the problem.

"God" is the way people with less rational thinking abilities find the least painfull to break the loop.

Generally speaking, God is only a sub-set of the "primacy of consciousness" idea, though.

Now, if you speak of religion, which has very little to do with God, then, I think that in small doses, it's a good think. Religion is an essential regulating ingredient of social structures (never mind that my libertarian tendencies do not like that very much).

GOD 03-13-2003 11:57 AM

1 Attachment(s)
PHEW !!!

I saw the title of this thread, and thought I was in shit again !! :rolleyes:

I thought Ronaldo somehow found out about the sexually charged tryst his mother and I are having

By the way - y'all keep posting here - I'm keeping score ! :cool:

GOD 03-13-2003 12:01 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally posted by Feynman
Unresolved contradictions have the brain analysis engine iterate until the contradiction is resolved. Some questions makes it loop wildly.

Sometimes, it's the question that's defective, some other time, it's the basic premises that are lacking to stop the looping.

When this happens, the individual feels an inner pressure, an anxiety to solve the problem.

"God" is the way people with less rational thinking abilities find the least painfull to break the loop.

Generally speaking, God is only a sub-set of the "primacy of consciousness" idea, though.

Now, if you speak of religion, which has very little to do with God, then, I think that in small doses, it's a good think. Religion is an essential regulating ingredient of social structures (never mind that my libertarian tendencies do not like that very much).


I certainly did not create you :(

Ronaldo 03-13-2003 12:01 PM


Originally posted by GOD
PHEW !!!

I saw the title of this thread, and thought I was in shit again !! :rolleyes:

I thought Ronaldo somehow found out about the sexually charged tryst his mother and I are having

Good one!

But I don't understand why guys seem to get pissed off about other guys fucking their mothers. Mothers are people too, kind of.

Or their sisters. I don't get it.

Now if you were having that tryst with my wife or daughter that would be a different story.

GOD 03-13-2003 12:11 PM


Originally posted by Panky
No person has the right to pass judgement onto another person. She believes what she believes. You believe what you believe. We all have opinions. But that's all they are - opinions.

God, Heaven, Hell, Evolution, Creation, Polytheism, life after death, reincarnation, life and death, evil, are all theories and concepts that humans do not have answers for, nor do we understand. We can guess all we want to, but none of us knows how we got here as humans and what happens when we die.

No one is correct in believing what they believe. No one is wrong either. Humans need something to believe in. Whether it'd be faith, love, hope, themselves, psychics...., to get them through life. It's how we deal with "life". It's what makes us unique as humans.

<img src="http://smilies.sofrayt.com/%5E/r/biggrininvert.gif" width="15" height="15">

Were YOU and D.FEYNMAN siamese twins separated at birth ?!?
I am ALL-KNOWING, and I still don't know what the fuck either one of you are talking about ??? :bonk: ::-|

Feynman 03-13-2003 12:20 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally posted by GOD
Were YOU and D.FEYNMAN siamese twins separated at birth ?!?
I am ALL-KNOWING, and I still don't know what the fuck either one of you are talking about ??? :bonk: ::-|

OK, OK, I seek absolution then.

Feynman 03-13-2003 12:27 PM


Originally posted by Ronaldo
Good one!

But I don't understand why guys seem to get pissed off about other guys fucking their mothers. Mothers are people too, kind of.

Or their sisters. I don't get it.

Now if you were having that tryst with my wife or daughter that would be a different story.

Let's carve another one in stone:

Repent! You are all children of a motherfucker!

Dwreck 03-13-2003 02:32 PM

HEY Ron what up's my brutha!!

I check out a preview of xamo's new video and I was impressed. WOW!!

Hey should I be calling doug? I never heard from him.

Ronaldo 03-13-2003 02:35 PM

Hey Derek,

Thanks, you should see the new interface Chad came up with yesterday. Best one, BY FAR, I've ever seen.

Yeah, you know Doug. Give him a shout and see where we're at.


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