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Evil Chris 01-13-2009 10:44 PM

Have you ever listened to AM radio?
For me, growing up in the early 70s, that's where all the new, popular music was first heard.
AM radio was KING.

1050 CHUM in Toronto, 1290 CJBK in London, and several others brought me the sounds of Lighthouse, Brownsville Station, Paperlace, April Wine, David Essex, T-Rex, and a lot more. I don't think I even knew about FM radio until The Eagles invented in it the late 1970s. :laughout:

By the time I started high school, I was listening to our city's college FM station, CIXX FM 106.9. They played all the "alt" stuff, or what was to risque for other stations at the time. It's the first time I heard stuff from the Jim Carroll, The Jam, Iggy Pop, and even Frank Zappa among others.

I'd have to say that both AM and FM radio played an enormous part in shaping my taste in music.

hostchecker 01-14-2009 12:43 AM

here it on the AM radio

Rochard 01-14-2009 01:26 AM

AM was the bomb back in the day. That was before FM.

Boy, things sucked back then.

Remember having to rewind cassettes? What was up with that?

Evil Chris 01-14-2009 09:08 AM


Originally Posted by hostchecker (Post 152796)
here it on the AM radio

Yes... thanks for reminding me. :)

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/8JEoFzvxiyI&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/8JEoFzvxiyI&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

Cyndalie 01-14-2009 10:33 AM

I only listened to live sports games on AM when in the car.

Jimmidean 01-14-2009 01:23 PM

Talk radio every day here.
Great for white noise.

Evil Chris 01-14-2009 03:45 PM


Nobody picked up on the reminiscence of this thread.

Ronaldo 01-14-2009 09:30 PM

Whenever I need my Anne Murray fix, I turn on the AM radio and BAM, Anne Murray within two songs.

bluemoney 01-14-2009 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by Ronaldo (Post 152843)
Whenever I need my Anne Murray fix, I turn on the AM radio and BAM, Anne Murray within two songs.

That sounds like a curse!

Vid Vicious 01-15-2009 02:00 AM

i had a talk show a few years back on 990 am .. the car show with Mike and Mike ..

Evil Chris 01-15-2009 08:49 AM


Originally Posted by Ronaldo (Post 152843)
Whenever I need my Anne Murray fix, I turn on the AM radio and BAM, Anne Murray within two songs.

Does it happen often? (you needing an Anne Murray fix?)...

I like her music. Several songs come to mind.

Ronaldo 01-15-2009 09:55 AM


Originally Posted by Evil Chris (Post 152868)
Does it happen often? (you needing an Anne Murray fix?)...

I like her music. Several songs come to mind.

lol no, but actually I do like her music too.

MoreFlesh 01-20-2009 07:28 PM

Am is still the king for sports stations. Radio 5 live listening to football mostly.

spicoli 01-21-2009 10:01 AM

680 CFTR out of t-dot :D

JoeD 01-21-2009 10:31 AM

Global Consulting Expertise

Originally Posted by MoreFlesh (Post 153041)
Am is still the king for sports stations. Radio 5 live listening to football mostly.

Yeah, a little static doesn't interfere with sportscasting :laughout:

You guys probably don't remember listening to little transistor radios and fiddling with an antenna for best reception...lots of batteries...

Like Jimmidean, I listen to talk radio non-stop for general background...rather than distracting I find it helps me focus - which is weird...

Evil Chris 01-21-2009 11:12 AM

Joe, I used to have a Japanese transistor radio. :)

Quagmire 01-22-2009 02:10 PM

We used to listen to AM640 the Hog here in Toronto for a while, which was amusing, and then it was talk radio for men. I'm a talk radio fiend, so in my car I'm always listening to CFRB1010.

I Know, I sound like an old man.

Stephane76 01-23-2009 09:26 AM

i did, like 10 years ago, a friend of mine used to host a show on the spanish radio called "la bonita" on AM 1030

Gruntled 01-23-2009 04:21 PM

By the time I was aware of things, not many people were listening to AM much. I remember hearing light "elevator music" there after getting my own radio and roaming the dial (an actual DIAL!) like "midnight at the oasis" and "girl from ipanema". For the past 20 years or so, the only stations on AM are talk radio, which I tune into from time to time, and latin stations, which I don't comprehend.

RageCash-Ben 01-24-2009 11:22 PM

Man I used to have to listen to AM radio when I did a courier job. Alot of the music back then was not so intense, I found it more relaxing.

Feynman 01-30-2009 06:46 PM

I've abandoned radio, except when driving in town, 85% for traffic and weather info on AM, and 10% FM for music. The remaining 5%, I sing at the top of my lung, so I can't hear the friggin radio.

2MuchMark 02-02-2009 01:05 AM

AM Radio in the car for news and talk.

FM in the car, but Montreal radio sucks.

At home or at work, Internet Radio has all my attention. I'm always plugged in with headphones on, rocking away while I work. Perfect.

lulu 02-02-2009 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by Evil Chris (Post 152831)

Nobody picked up on the reminiscence of this thread.

yup yup, just getting to the thread now. CHUM. i remember that station. its still around on FM though. I also remember April Wine well. Gotta say, you got me on a few others. I can't remember them. ?? If you're feeling really nostalgic for AW, http://www.aprilwine.ca/tourdates.php


(eagles invented fm radio - haha)

TheEnforcer 02-02-2009 01:29 PM

When I'm in my truck during the day doing an errand or whatever I listen to Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity so I can cuss at them while they are on.. sports talk radio as well.

When I listen to FM radio and music though I am a constant channel surfer. Son as a ong I don't like or a commercial coems on it's off to the next station to see fi they got something good on....

TheEnforcer 02-02-2009 01:30 PM

Fuck me I can't type worth shit lol

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