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Funbrunette 01-18-2009 03:05 PM

Does everything happen for a reason?
Do you beleive in this saying? It's been used over and over and I wonder how much of it is true? I'm going through rough times right now and I guess I'm latching on to that saying....

Your thoughts? :confused:

Ronaldo 01-18-2009 03:29 PM

Sorry, I don't believe that crap at all. There's usually a reason for something that happens, but nothing happens FOR a reason.

Cold_ice 01-19-2009 03:05 AM


Originally Posted by Ronaldo (Post 152971)
Sorry, I don't believe that crap at all. There's usually a reason for something that happens, but nothing happens FOR a reason.

I agree it is all bullshit. You make things happen or you let things happen to you. Your an awesome person things will turn around for you just keep strong and if little sayings like that or god help you get through your tough times then it matters not what people think just as your good.

Magnus3x 01-19-2009 10:16 AM

I do believe things do happen for a reason. The idea is to seek out the underlying and it will make sense, even in tragic occurrences.

As mentioned above, who cares what others think though.. we can all think for ourselves, no right or wrong in having your own belief system.

Rochard 01-19-2009 12:07 PM

Everything happens for a reason. It's true. Trust me on this one.

Nymph 01-19-2009 04:11 PM

I believe everything happens for a reason. We may not know what that reason is, or ever figure it out though.

There is another one "that which does not kill you only makes you stronger"

I believe both...with all I've been through the past year & a half I have to.

TheLegacy 01-19-2009 04:23 PM

From experience - hindsight has shown most that whatever struggle you're going through can work out for the best. My thoughts are with you as well.

Vid Vicious 01-19-2009 06:39 PM

everything happens for a reason .. for every action there's a re-action .. Cause and Effect .. One thing we can all be sure is true .. LIFE GOES ON, and in the end it's all part of the journey

Evil Chris 01-19-2009 07:46 PM

I believe things happen for a reason, yes.

It's all in your perception of things around you.

Funbrunette 01-20-2009 07:36 AM


Originally Posted by Vid Vicious (Post 153007)
everything happens for a reason .. for every action there's a re-action .. Cause and Effect .. One thing we can all be sure is true .. LIFE GOES ON, and in the end it's all part of the journey

I agree with the cause and effect theory.

"Find out the cause of this effect,
Or rather say, the cause of this defect,
For this effect defective comes by cause.
Shakespeare - "HAMLET"

MoreFlesh 01-20-2009 07:24 PM

I'd like to think they do, otherwise what would be the point of anything happening or doing anything???

Panky 01-20-2009 10:48 PM

I think things happen as a result of something else, but not specifically for any particular reason.

Cyndalie 01-21-2009 09:43 AM

Events happen for reasons and meanings you apply to them, justifying their cause doesn't change the outcome, how you deal with them does.

Vid Vicious 01-21-2009 07:00 PM


Originally Posted by Cyndalie (Post 153050)
Events happen for reasons and meanings you apply to them, justifying their cause doesn't change the outcome, how you deal with them does.

words of wisdom

Stephane76 01-23-2009 09:46 AM


Originally Posted by Vid Vicious (Post 153007)
everything happens for a reason .. for every action there's a re-action .. Cause and Effect .. One thing we can all be sure is true .. LIFE GOES ON, and in the end it's all part of the journey

i think they do as well, thought i lost it all last year but things got much better after

CIVMatt 01-23-2009 10:36 AM

I certainly hope so, I had a rough 2008 :(

LAJ 01-23-2009 01:34 PM

Regardless of WHY things happen... it's always one's responsibility to make the most out of any situation and turn a negative into a positive if you are to learn anything of it.

DonMike 01-23-2009 03:29 PM

When I first moved to LA ten years ago I got into an abusive relationship. The thing is, it wasn't a typical relationship and he wasn't physically abusive. He was manipulative and took full advantage of my weaknesses. I had moved in as a friend renting a room and eventually got into a relationship. He did everything he could to chip away at my self-esteem, alienate me from my friends and family, and make me feel trapped so that even if I did decide to leave, I would feel I had nowhere to go. I am lucky that I was able to keep somewhat of a cool head and once I realized what was happening to me I started breaking away. I had lived there for seven months and it is one of the darkest periods of my life and it took me a while to recover, emotionally, physically, financially.

Looking back on it, however, I find that there were many positive things that came out of the experience. I made some new friends, I made a change in my life that might not have come about had I not gotten into the situation in the first place, I came out stronger for the experience, and I know much better than to get into a similar situation again. The way I see it, it may not have been a bright spot in my life but it was a bridge from one good part to the next. And we can't always have everything go perfect or we wouldn't appreciate the good parts when they happen. And ever since then, when I get into a situation that really sucks, or I'm really down and depressed about things, I just remind myself that it's just a bridge taking me from one good thing to the next. And you can't always see the next good thing from the bridge but it's there. It always is.

So if you're going through a bad patch, even a horrible one, please keep in mind that this is just one small part of your life, a bridge taking you to the next good thing. And also remember that bridges can seem long, but when you look back on your life and look at all the good things, the bridges really don't seem so big. You will get through this and you're on your way to another good thing. And you have all of the wonderful people of this board and the good people in your life to help you get over this bridge, don't you ever forget that. :)

RageCash-Ben 01-24-2009 11:18 PM

Definitely not. We make reasons and logic out of the illogical. That is what humans do.

emac 01-27-2009 05:09 PM

Same as the cause and effect theory. If you did something just be ready for the consequences you'll get that's either good or bad effect.

SexySarah 02-01-2009 05:08 PM

Everything does happen for a reason! Good and bad!

DrChango 02-11-2009 12:45 PM

If terrible things happen to you because of some unknowable purpose, that means God, the Universe, or what-have-you might have it in for you=(

Virgule3 02-11-2009 01:32 PM

Well, if it's true, I can't wait to find out what the reason is...

- I've been single for wayyyy too long.
- I desperately need to make more money.
- Everyone is mad at everyone in my circle of friends and I'm in the middle and everyone wants me to take sides but I won't.
- I always fall for guys who don't like me.
- I had lost 30 lbs. I found all of them back this winter.
- I because a patroller at the ski resort but I can't go because I hurt myself really bad...
- Do I need to go on?

lulu 02-11-2009 08:15 PM


Originally Posted by Cyndalie (Post 153050)
Events happen for reasons and meanings you apply to them, justifying their cause doesn't change the outcome, how you deal with them does.


Originally Posted by Vid Vicious (Post 153007)
everything happens for a reason .. for every action there's a re-action .. Cause and Effect .. One thing we can all be sure is true .. LIFE GOES ON, and in the end it's all part of the journey


Originally Posted by Evil Chris (Post 153010)
I believe things happen for a reason, yes.
It's all in your perception of things around you.

philosophers' on xnations :)

i agree with the above. perception is a big one. its tough sometimes to keep that stupid ego out of it. ego wants what the ego wants.

lulu 02-11-2009 08:15 PM


Originally Posted by Cyndalie (Post 153050)
Events happen for reasons and meanings you apply to them, justifying their cause doesn't change the outcome, how you deal with them does.


Originally Posted by Vid Vicious (Post 153007)
everything happens for a reason .. for every action there's a re-action .. Cause and Effect .. One thing we can all be sure is true .. LIFE GOES ON, and in the end it's all part of the journey


Originally Posted by Evil Chris (Post 153010)
I believe things happen for a reason, yes.
It's all in your perception of things around you.

philosophers' on xnations :)

i agree with the above. perception is a big one.

Vid Vicious 02-11-2009 08:44 PM


Originally Posted by DonMike (Post 153125)
When I first moved to LA ten years ago I got into an abusive relationship. The thing is, it wasn't a typical relationship and he wasn't physically abusive. He was manipulative and took full advantage of my weaknesses. I had moved in as a friend renting a room and eventually got into a relationship. He did everything he could to chip away at my self-esteem, alienate me from my friends and family, and make me feel trapped so that even if I did decide to leave, I would feel I had nowhere to go. I am lucky that I was able to keep somewhat of a cool head and once I realized what was happening to me I started breaking away. I had lived there for seven months and it is one of the darkest periods of my life and it took me a while to recover, emotionally, physically, financially.

Looking back on it, however, I find that there were many positive things that came out of the experience. I made some new friends, I made a change in my life that might not have come about had I not gotten into the situation in the first place, I came out stronger for the experience, and I know much better than to get into a similar situation again. The way I see it, it may not have been a bright spot in my life but it was a bridge from one good part to the next. And we can't always have everything go perfect or we wouldn't appreciate the good parts when they happen. And ever since then, when I get into a situation that really sucks, or I'm really down and depressed about things, I just remind myself that it's just a bridge taking me from one good thing to the next. And you can't always see the next good thing from the bridge but it's there. It always is.

So if you're going through a bad patch, even a horrible one, please keep in mind that this is just one small part of your life, a bridge taking you to the next good thing. And also remember that bridges can seem long, but when you look back on your life and look at all the good things, the bridges really don't seem so big. You will get through this and you're on your way to another good thing. And you have all of the wonderful people of this board and the good people in your life to help you get over this bridge, don't you ever forget that. :)

Very well said ...

I feel similar when I look back at 2008 .. It was a very hard year on me, both finance, personal and health .. I was able to take back control of my health and now I'm on the road to being in the best shape of my life! ... I took back Control of my personal life and found out I have lots ot offer, not just money and knowning the right people . but I have my heart which is worth alot. I'm very considerite of my partners feelings and very respectful. I thought I had lost things ..as my last partner also chipped away at my self esteem.
Now I'm workin on Finance .this will be way harder then I thought .. But like you said .. It's only a bridge to a better place .. And I must walk thru it to get there .. Great post Don, very inspiring

NicAngel 02-16-2009 12:29 PM

from my experience...yes they do happen for a reason. and sometimes you don't know why or understand why things happen until later on. bad or good. just pay attention and learn from it.

Stinger 02-28-2009 01:14 AM


Originally Posted by Funbrunette (Post 152970)
Do you beleive in this saying? It's been used over and over and I wonder how much of it is true? I'm going through rough times right now and I guess I'm latching on to that saying....

Your thoughts? :confused:

YES I DO ...

Now more then EVER !

Muuuuuuuuuuah !

HeavenLeeGoddess 03-01-2009 12:24 AM


Originally Posted by Funbrunette (Post 152970)
Do you beleive in this saying? It's been used over and over and I wonder how much of it is true? I'm going through rough times right now and I guess I'm latching on to that saying....

Your thoughts? :confused:

Yeah I do think something happens for a reason..

But I hate when that something bad happens to you and you thought it would never happen..

Life just sucks in general.

DonMike 03-03-2009 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by Vid Vicious (Post 153704)
Very well said ...

I feel similar when I look back at 2008 .. It was a very hard year on me, both finance, personal and health .. I was able to take back control of my health and now I'm on the road to being in the best shape of my life! ... I took back Control of my personal life and found out I have lots ot offer, not just money and knowning the right people . but I have my heart which is worth alot. I'm very considerite of my partners feelings and very respectful. I thought I had lost things ..as my last partner also chipped away at my self esteem.
Now I'm workin on Finance .this will be way harder then I thought .. But like you said .. It's only a bridge to a better place .. And I must walk thru it to get there .. Great post Don, very inspiring

Thank you. I read this post last week when I was really busy but just reread it and was struck with a very important message. You said you took back "Control" over your life. That is such a great way to put it. I decided back in November to start going to the gym again and getting myself healthier and have found every excuse in actually doing it. I'm always saying "I have no self-control" when it comes to eating bad foods and not exercising. I'm not down on myself for having a belly, but I don't want to end up with diabetes and heart problems, so I need to take better care of myself. And your post makes total sense. By eating bad foods and not exercising you're letting others control you. You let the food industry talk you into eating unhealthy products, you let people take your time away from the gym, you let society make you feel bad about yourself so you'll buy diet products that don't work. The only way to make yourself better is to take control of your life and make it happen.

From one inspiring post to another, thank you. :)

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