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classyteam 01-23-2009 09:23 AM

PaySites Owners! You are about loosing all you customers to.
Dear Webmasters,

Bad and Good news for you!!!


You are about loosing all you customers to........Strereo 3D Video sites!!!


Finally 3D video is coming to life. After 2 years of shooting 3D finally we have figured how to shoot perfect stereo.


Solutions is to give them chance to see video where they can really use both
their eyes rather than dull old 2D video.
Watch SAMPLE 3D video and then decide whether you would want to go back to watching a flat image. It's just so much more real and in stereo too!

Please register at ClassyContent.com and enter 3D in the last name field when you register. We will then send you the FTP details to download a FULL 3D Solo Toy Video.

Many sites have tried 3D such as www.3Dorgasm.com and www.Banging3D.com , but it's not the same quality as we are now able to deliver.

You can get 3D Anaglieph Glasses for 10-30 cents and enjoy real 3D stereo porn videos.
Note that you will need to have WInRar Software to unpack compressed video.

Default List of where to buy 3d glasses

classyteam 01-30-2009 12:00 PM

Please download FREE 3D video from ClassyContent and see for yourself.


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