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Jeff N 03-12-2003 08:50 PM

Phoenix Forum Almost Full..need to sign up ASAP
Hey Everyone--

Just wanted to give a heads up to everyone regarding the Phoenix Forum, April 3 - 5, 2003 www.thephoenixforum.com .

Because of the outstanding response for this year's Forum, we are nearly at capacity for the event...the house can only hold so many webmasters!

So, we are closing the FREE online registration to the masses tomorrow, or Thursday morning at 12:00pm (noon) mountain time. If you have not registered yet, please do so tonight or early tomorrow so that you can join in the fun. Anyone who has not registered after noon tomorrow will be required to pay $250 at the door to get into the weekends events.

Many thanks to everyone who has committed themselves to attend this year's event. Part of the reason we are closing this thing out is so that we can continue to offer you the type of Webmaster Gathering that we have in the past, and keep things fun and intimate in the process!

See ya in Phoenix!

Evil Chris 03-13-2003 08:35 AM

Jeff, The Phoenix Forum appears to be fast becoming one of the most important gatherings of each year!
Anyone who can make it should go. I'd be there this year, but well, we're having a little one arriving too close to the show dates!

Jeff N 03-13-2003 11:48 AM


Originally posted by Evil Chris
Jeff, The Phoenix Forum appears to be fast becoming one of the most important gatherings of each year!
Anyone who can make it should go. I'd be there this year, but well, we're having a little one arriving too close to the show dates!

Yes, the Phoenix Forum seems to get a little bigger every year. It's a very unique event. The venue is always a nice resort, the weather is always nice, and more importantly the atmosphere for business networking is very user-friendly.

We thank all the sponsors for their contributions to this event. This event could never take place without them.

Chris & Steph, you guys are off the hook, I could not think of a better excuse for not attending. You must be getting pretty excited.

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