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2MuchMark 02-02-2009 01:13 AM

Who remembers warm summer days in Montreal?
Who remembers warm summer days in Montreal?

I am really sick of winter. I know its only early February but dammit this cold weather and snow sucks.

Remember when a friday would roll around, and instead of working in the office, you could just grab your notebook, find a terrace at a nice pub downtown, and sip cold alcohol-filled beverages while you worked outside in the warm sun?

Seems like ... so ... long... ago.... sigh...

S I G H....

Evil Chris 02-02-2009 10:16 AM

We're only a matter of weeks away from that kind of afternoon, Mark.

Focus.... Focus.... ;)

Vid Vicious 02-02-2009 11:31 AM

Damn mark .. you hit on the nail.. Winter sucks .. All the extra $$ spent on keeping warm .. and all those damn accidents cus you didn't see the #^%$#^$ ice patch. Presently my car is sitting in my parking lot sans Bumber. Had a Misshap two weeks ago, the body shop is so busy they won't get to my car till this friday! .. Spent Crazy money on a Good winter coat this year, I was fed up of being cold .. lol .. See Jman I heard ya .. LOL ... new boots, cloves .. and with my newly shaved head, I had to buy a ton of tuques !

Damn EC .. a few weeks left?.. you're living in LALA LAND we're in the thick of it .. it's just gonna get colder and more snow from here on in .. More like a few months before the nice weather decides to join us

Rochard 02-02-2009 06:07 PM

It's 64 degrees here today. Sweet.

Evil Chris 02-02-2009 07:57 PM


Originally Posted by Rochard (Post 153397)
It's 64 degrees here today. Sweet.

Real men deal with a winter once a year. :viking:

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