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Cyndalie 02-09-2009 09:03 AM

Why are people so stupid?
In NJ it's illegal to pump your own gas. I pull into a gas station this morning and I guy pulls into the pump behind me. He gets out of his car and starts pumping his own gas WITH HIS CAR STILL RUNNING! It's cold out and I can see the smoke coming out of his muffler, for a second I thought his Jag was on fire.

Pretentious fuck can't wait 2 seconds for the attendant to get to him? Instead he puts my life and my baby's life at risk? Sorry but even a teenager isn't so dumb as to pump gas with the engine running. Yet the attendant told me to turn my key off (only the radio was on) but DOESN'T SAY A THING TO THE JACKASS BEHIND ME who is breaking the law???

Fucking people!

lulu 02-09-2009 12:04 PM

you must of wanted to kill him. lol what a fucking idiot.

12ClicksMichele 02-09-2009 02:10 PM

I see people all the time with their cars running. The other day I saw a guy get out to take the pump out of the tank and was smoking a cigarette while doing it.

Cyndalie 02-09-2009 02:13 PM


Originally Posted by 12ClicksMichele (Post 153599)
I see people all the time with their cars running. The other day I saw a guy get out to take the pump out of the tank and was smoking a cigarette while doing it.

Oh well gee, I guess it's ok then.

Evil Chris 02-09-2009 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by 12ClicksMichele (Post 153599)
I see people all the time with their cars running. The other day I saw a guy get out to take the pump out of the tank and was smoking a cigarette while doing it.

I've seen that too and it drives me insane. The potential for a firey accident there is massive!!

12ClicksMichele 02-09-2009 03:00 PM


Originally Posted by Evil Chris (Post 153603)
I've seen that too and it drives me insane. The potential for a firey accident there is massive!!

Whats more amazing is that the attendents don't even seem to care.

DrChango 02-10-2009 12:38 PM

I'm surprised about the attendants must pump gas law, but it makes sense if idiots like that are running around pumping gas with their cars running. I've seen footage of what happens to a gas station when the emergency tank seals fail...looks like a damn MOAB going off.

Well, glad you and your baby didn't get blown up=)

Funbrunette 02-11-2009 07:29 AM


Don't get me started....The world is FULL of idiots! :laughout:

TheLegacy 02-11-2009 10:48 AM

As much as I agree - though being 47 I remember the days when alot of people did that and no car blew up, hell I remember the days when people who walk up - get the attendant to fill and both of them would be smoking a cigarette!!!!

Todays world its every person for themself - simple as that - something radical has to happen for people to start caring

Kenny B 02-12-2009 04:16 PM

Illegal to pump your own gas, I never heard of that.

FortressDewey 02-12-2009 05:27 PM

Nj has some weird laws like that...and I am old enough to remember ppl at the pump smoking and what an uproar it caused when it first came law...

Abernathy SixtySix 02-12-2009 10:22 PM

I ask myself that question everyday...

Stinger 02-13-2009 09:46 AM


Originally Posted by Funbrunette (Post 153665)

Don't get me started....The world is FULL of idiots! :laughout:

It's SAYS IT ALL .... ;)

Vid Vicious 02-13-2009 10:20 AM

illegal to pump your own gaz ? is that part of the stimulus plan ? to help keep Afro Americans working ?

TheLegacy 02-15-2009 11:57 PM


Cyndalie 02-16-2009 09:21 AM


Originally Posted by Vid Vicious (Post 153760)
illegal to pump your own gaz ? is that part of the stimulus plan ? to help keep Afro Americans working ?

Actually, it's to keep the Arabs busy.

HoneLynn 02-16-2009 12:51 PM

I am sending this thread to my husband. He always leaves the car running when he pumps gas. Drives me insane!!

carol.prime 02-18-2009 01:10 PM

Gas stations in our place hired someone to pump our own gas.

Pastilatu 02-18-2009 04:23 PM

idiot people :)) come in Romania and see here idiot ppls here u can escape from law in a second just with a call ....everybody haves connections :| to cops or bigger people ...i dont understand they are many laws but nobody apply them ...

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