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Cyndalie 02-12-2009 01:56 PM

Boyco​tt Kello​gg'​s For Treat​ment Of Micha​el Phelp​s
Boyco​tt Kello​gg'​s For Treat​ment Of Micha​el Phelp​s


To: Kello​gg'​s Corpo​ratio​n


1) Kello​gg'​s is a major​ manuf​actur​er of cerea​l and junk food produ​cts inclu​ding but not limit​ed to Frost​ed Flake​s,​ Pop Tarts​,​ Cheez​-​Its,​ Froot​ Loops​,​ Keebl​er'​s Cooki​es,​ Rice Krisp​ies,​ Eggo Froze​n Waffl​es,​ Famou​s Amos Cooki​es and many other​ produ​cts known​ to be a part of the diet of many marij​uana using​ Ameri​cans

2) The Kello​gg'​s has profi​ted for decad​es on the food taste​s of marij​uana using​ Ameri​cans with the munch​ies.​ In fact,​ we belie​ve that most peopl​e over the age of twelv​e would​ not eat Kello​gg'​s produ​cts were they not wicke​d high.​

3)​That Kello​gg'​s has decid​ed to end their​ relat​ionsh​ip with Olymp​ic Swimm​er Micha​el Phelp​s after​ pictu​res of him surfa​ced doing​ exact​ly what most Kello​gg'​s custo​mers do right​ befor​e enjoy​ing a bowl of Rice Krisp​ies mixed​ with Keebl​er Cooki​es with an Eggo on top.

4) That this actio​n by Kello​gg'​s,​ while​ legal​,​ is total​ly bogus​.​

5) That Kello​gg'​s is a big fat hypoc​rite,​ just like our paren​ts when they found​ our stash​ under​ our mattr​ess and took it and then later​ they sat in the livin​g room and liste​ned the Dark Side Of The Moon over and over and dance​d and laugh​ed and I swear​ we smell​ed somet​hing.​

6) That a quick​ Wikip​edia searc​h shows​ the found​er of Kello​gg'​s - John Harve​y Kello​gg - was a total​ frick​in'​ weird​o who belie​ve in putti​ng child​ren'​s genit​als in a cage to keep them from playi​ng with thems​elves​ and also belie​ved in yogur​t enema​s.​

7) That serio​usly,​ just Googl​e John Harve​y Kello​gg.​ Dude was freak​y.​

8) That the thing​ about​ yogur​t enema​s makes​ us want to hurl when we look at that box of Kello​gg'​s Yogos​ we have in the pantr​y.​

9) That Micha​el Phelp​s shoul​d total​ly drop YOU dudes​ for your obses​sion with bran and fiber​ and mastu​rbati​on and butts​ and stuff​.​ You drop HIM? Dude won eight​ gold medal​s and proba​bly didn'​t stick​ a singl​e one in his butt or tie it in tourn​iquet​ aroun​d his naugh​ty bits.​ Dude was just tryin​g to relax​.​ Serio​usly Kello​gg'​s,​ WTF?

Given​ all these​ facts​ and the total​ disre​gard for your custo​mer base and that thing​ with the yogur​t,​ we the under​signe​d plan to BOYCO​TT your produ​cts.​

And we'​re serio​us.​

Even thoug​h the Pop Tarts​ thing​ will be HARD.​


The Under​signe​d

Sign it here:​ http://www.petitiononline.com/Kellogg/petition.html


Evil Chris 02-12-2009 02:35 PM

haha.... someone went through a lot of pop-tarts writing all that out! ;)

DonMike 02-12-2009 03:47 PM

I think Kellogs was totally justified in what they did. Marijuana is bad for your health, totally unlike the box of sugar, chemicals and high fructose corn syrup Michael Phelps' photos was gracing the cover of.


lulu 02-12-2009 06:21 PM

hahaha. wasn't there a movie about John Kellogg and his butt fetish thing?

DonMike 02-12-2009 07:09 PM

Yes, it was called The Road to Wellville.

Evil Chris 02-12-2009 09:40 PM

Hitting the bong isn't a bad thing.

I remember a conversation I had with a few police friends of mine several years ago and one of them said something that stays with me to this day.

"I've never been called to a residence for a domestic disturbance as a result of buddy beating up on his wife because he was high on weed. It's alcohol that keeps me employed."

DonMike 02-13-2009 11:29 AM


Originally Posted by Evil Chris (Post 153747)
Hitting the bong isn't a bad thing.

I remember a conversation I had with a few police friends of mine several years ago and one of them said something that stays with me to this day.

"I've never been called to a residence for a domestic disturbance as a result of buddy beating up on his wife because he was high on weed. It's alcohol that keeps me employed."

I remember back in the mid 90's I went to our stadium in Pittsburgh to see Pink Floyd in concert. The local police set up a sting operation inside the stadium where they just picked people up and took them in for smoking pot. They even set up a makeshift court so they could sentence and fine people right there during the fucking concert.

What gets me is that nobody was hurting anyone, nobody was doing anything wrong (other than the illegal act of toking up, I guess) and everyone was just mellow and having a good time and so many people got hassled by the cops and had to pay all these fines. But then the next week there was a football game there, and there were fights and people were breaking shit and being all rowdy. Underage drinking in the parking lot tailgate parties and all that. But the cops were nowhere in sight and the city just said it was good old team spirit.

And people wonder why I hate football.

DrChango 02-13-2009 12:01 PM


Originally Posted by DonMike (Post 153765)
I remember back in the mid 90's I went to our stadium in Pittsburgh to see Pink Floyd in concert. The local police set up a sting operation inside the stadium where they just picked people up and took them in for smoking pot. They even set up a makeshift court so they could sentence and fine people right there during the fucking concert.

What gets me is that nobody was hurting anyone, nobody was doing anything wrong (other than the illegal act of toking up, I guess) and everyone was just mellow and having a good time and so many people got hassled by the cops and had to pay all these fines. But then the next week there was a football game there, and there were fights and people were breaking shit and being all rowdy. Underage drinking in the parking lot tailgate parties and all that. But the cops were nowhere in sight and the city just said it was good old team spirit.

And people wonder why I hate football.

The only thing with weed is that people should not drive while stoned. Other than that I don't see it as being any worse than alcohol or cigarettes, but a lot of stoners I know swear up and down that they can drive just fine when stoned, but I've ridden with 'em and it was almost as bad as riding with a drunk.

Legalize it, tax it, regulate it, and give people DUI's for driving stoned.

(and I'm going to open a bakery next to the first real 'smoke shop' that opens in my town...I'm gonna be the muthafuckin' Brownie King!)

DonMike 02-13-2009 12:24 PM


Originally Posted by DrChango (Post 153767)
The only thing with weed is that people should not drive while stoned. Other than that I don't see it as being any worse than alcohol or cigarettes, but a lot of stoners I know swear up and down that they can drive just fine when stoned, but I've ridden with 'em and it was almost as bad as riding with a drunk.

Legalize it, tax it, regulate it, and give people DUI's for driving stoned.

(and I'm going to open a bakery next to the first real 'smoke shop' that opens in my town...I'm gonna be the muthafuckin' Brownie King!)

I agree with you 110%. I'm not a stoner. I'm much more fun after a few cocktails. The few times I have smoked I end up staring at the carpet all night, no fun at all. But, having said that, I do think it should be legalized, I agree that people should not drive stoned and I would be the first in line to your bakery simply because I loooove brownies. :)

FortressDewey 02-13-2009 01:15 PM

you be correct....

Originally Posted by Evil Chris (Post 153747)
"I've never been called to a residence for a domestic disturbance as a result of buddy beating up on his wife because he was high on weed. It's alcohol that keeps me employed."

My brother says similar...that the booze keeps him employed (and the hardcore drugs).

Vid Vicious 02-16-2009 11:39 AM

If he's able to get stoned ... and still win the gold . then you should praise him and ask him what's his secret, rather then haze him at every corner .. it's only weed for Christ sake. It's not steroids! ... I'd understand if it was Steroids or cocaine . but it's weed a mild non addictive, drug that SHOULD be legal. Watching TMZ last night, and every single question asked to celebraties by paparazzi is about Michael Phelps .. Pathetic .. Let's ruin his life since there is no one else we can haze on at the moment ... Geez .. It's only weed and he probably doesn't do it that often ...

For shame to the freind that took and sold that photo. For Shame for shame .. he broke the first Stoner rule .. What happens with the smoke stays with the smoke

Magnus3x 02-17-2009 10:08 AM

You Americans prop up your "celebs/heros" to death, then when they act like humans you love to chop em down to size just as fast. Next Olympics if he has mass success, you will prop him up again but if he fails it will be due to the WEED.

This screams typically American to me.

dyonisus 02-18-2009 12:45 AM

I have always said that a pot smoker is not likely to get all toked up and beat on someone, too much of a hassle, especially if the cheetos or frosted flakes are an arms reach away!

bluemoney 02-20-2009 10:07 PM

I always hated Corn Flakes anyway . . . . I'm a Count Chocula man myself. Long live General Mills!

DonMike 02-24-2009 12:18 PM


Originally Posted by bluemoney (Post 154108)
I always hated Corn Flakes anyway . . . . I'm a Count Chocula man myself. Long live General Mills!

Oh my GOD!!! I used to LOVE Count Chocula!!!!!!!

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