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Visualad 02-16-2009 10:51 AM

The OFFICIAL Xnations 2009 Moan Zone!
This is where everyone can complain about anything. I did one of these last year so here it is again! :-)

IŽll start:

What the fuck is it with those that cant hold a hand infront of their mouths while coffing or sneezing? Especially in the winter time when you have diffirent colds and viruses all over the world.

I was taught VERY early in my life that I was supposed to hold my hand infront of my mouth. And even if I would not have been told - it would not have been that hard to snap that small piece of knowledge up..

What I can not understand is that it seems to be mostly around 40-60 year olds that doesnt give a fuck about this. Younger ppl know and do this. Older ppl just dont give a shit. when I think about it, it should be the other way around. The older ones have been around for a long time - they should know..

Ok.. enough.

Ps. Thanks for the cold you gave me the other day at the supermarket cue.. Sneezing right on the back of my head.. you old fuck!

TheLegacy 02-16-2009 11:11 AM

My moan really is within myself - why is it that when something perfectly wonderful is happening or even a shed of doubt - that my mind automatically switches to the worst case scenerio? True its good to not be fooled, but negative thinking is my moan - oh ya - and after 5 fucking years - why is it that LC still harasses me??!!! Like get over it man

Visualad 02-16-2009 11:19 AM


Originally Posted by TheLegacy (Post 153866)
oh ya - and after 5 fucking years - why is it that LC still harasses me??!!! Like get over it man

haha.. sorry to laugh. But that line made me chuckle. ;-)

Vid Vicious 02-16-2009 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by TheLegacy (Post 153866)
and after 5 fucking years - why is it that LC still harasses me??!!! Like get over it man

LOL ... Cut the cord ..stop feeding him by mentioning his name .. it's like the candyman ..say it three times and he appears

dyonisus 02-18-2009 12:53 AM

my moan...
LA Drivers
seriously, if its raining, slow it down, you cannot get to your destination any faster if you cause 3 other cars to spin outta control.
aggressive, speeding, improper lane changes, lack of signal usage, really did the licenses out here get issued by Snap Crackle and Pop?

12ClicksMichele 02-18-2009 09:53 AM

I don't know where to start.

Visualad 02-18-2009 10:52 AM


Originally Posted by 12ClicksMichele (Post 153996)
I don't know where to start.

start with the one thing bothering/irritating you the most..


12ClicksMichele 02-18-2009 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by Visualad (Post 153998)
start with the one thing bothering/irritating you the most..


That's where I am getting stuck. LOL

lulu 02-18-2009 11:36 AM

Montreal's bloody pot holes. They kill your suspension which I've already had done since moving here. that's all for now. ;)

Virgule3 02-18-2009 02:13 PM


They keep saying they don't want a complicated relationship, they want to get to know themselves before going into another relationship, bla bla bla.

That's bullshit.

A guy I know was always saying: I want an independant girlfriend, good job, independant, intelligent, who has grown kids, I want it to be simple, etc... Well, he's with a girl who hasn't even done her secondary one, who's on welfare, has no culture or knowledge and can only talk about herself, has never had a job in her life and has a severly handicapped child.

Another one: No, I want to spend the rest of my life alone, that's my destiny. I need to work on myself, I don't need to be with anyone right now, women are too complicated and the ones I attract are always full of problems and I don't want to have to deal with that again... Well, he is seeing a girl who is going blind because of a bad lasik surgery and who is in a huge lawsuit. Talk about problems...

Another one: No, I don't want a relationship, I just got out of one, I need to spend time with myself, with my kids, get to know myself again, I'm in a depression, I'm taking meds, I have no libido, I hate myself... He recently started dating someone.

Stop fucking lying!

Can you tell I am not in a good mood these days?

cdsmith 02-18-2009 03:37 PM


The flakes, the golddiggers, the ego-driven bitches who unfailingly go for looks over substance and then end up miserable and wondering what went wrong.

The liars. The headcases. The ones willing to cheat on their men with you (who invariably end up cheating on you too)

Can you tell I'm not in a good mood these days? :)

Virgule3 02-18-2009 11:16 PM


Originally Posted by cdsmith (Post 154011)

The flakes, the golddiggers, the ego-driven bitches who unfailingly go for looks over substance and then end up miserable and wondering what went wrong.

The liars. The headcases. The ones willing to cheat on their men with you (who invariably end up cheating on you too)

Can you tell I'm not in a good mood these days? :)

Too bad we live so far appart!!! We'd have a blast!!!

You, talking about women, me bitching about men!

Mrs FUBAR 02-19-2009 07:38 AM


Originally Posted by dyonisus (Post 153987)
my moan...
LA Drivers
seriously, if its raining, slow it down, you cannot get to your destination any faster if you cause 3 other cars to spin outta control.
aggressive, speeding, improper lane changes, lack of signal usage, really did the licenses out here get issued by Snap Crackle and Pop?

it's not just the LA drivers who are like that :geez:
the idiot Toronto drivers are like that too except here it's not just rain it's snow and ice on the roads, people seriously need to get driving lessons instead of driving like they are hyped up on a giant sugar rush :twisted:

Evil Chris 02-19-2009 10:39 AM

This recession.

It sucks on so many levels. Maybe when spring gets here it'll feel less crappy.

Magnus3x 02-19-2009 10:43 AM

I hate certain civil disobedience here are some examples:
- When people shovel their drive ways and put the snow on the road, that is not the fuck where it goes, you pile it next to your property the best you can, all the snow plow is going to do is push that snow in from the road and on my driveway 2 houses down.

- Garbage dumpers, if I ever catch someone throwing their bags of garbage on the side of the road or in a public park or next to a Salvation army clothing drop off, I guarantee I will be charged with assault with in the intent to cause severe bodily harm.

- Non-handicap people that park in handicap spots. That goes for the elderly, if you don't have the sticker and a walker, just cuz yer about to drop dead in 6 months from old age still doesn't give you the right to take those parking spots. My old room mate was in a wheel chair and when we'd go out in her car to do some shopping, there would always be some ass hat in those spots with no stickers on the car.

- Cell phones in the movie theater.

I guess people just don't give a shit sometimes.. but they seem to cower when I get in their face about it ;)

Magnus3x 02-19-2009 10:45 AM


Originally Posted by Evil Chris (Post 154035)
This recession.

It sucks on so many levels. Maybe when spring gets here it'll feel less crappy.

I follow the markets daily and I have a feeling 09 will get worse before it get's slightly better. We haven't seen bottom yet.. that is the scary part, some are saying June or July, but in this market it's anyone's guess.

cdsmith 02-19-2009 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by Virgule3 (Post 154027)
Too bad we live so far appart!!! We'd have a blast!!!

You, talking about women, me bitching about men!

Ever been to Winnipeg? :laughout:

dyonisus 02-19-2009 06:18 PM


Originally Posted by Mrs FUBAR (Post 154030)
it's not just the LA drivers who are like that :geez:
the idiot Toronto drivers are like that too except here it's not just rain it's snow and ice on the roads, people seriously need to get driving lessons instead of driving like they are hyped up on a giant sugar rush :twisted:

Oh I know Toronto driver's can be hellish. Grew up there! But in my experience, as an aggressive driver I find Toronto lame compared to LA.

Best of luck I hear the Toronto snow this year is crazy! So the drivers must be insane.

Magnus I think your moan's are dead on. Why do people do those things. Like it is so hard to walk a little further, or pile the snow away from the road?

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