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BoardGoerge 02-21-2009 08:30 PM

Members Area Feeds
IcooFeed - MORE content for LESS money !
A cheap, reliable and proven solution to really provide some simple and effective variation for any site members area !

- Thousands of Video-On-Demand porn movies
- Three bit rate quality options for viewing
- Unique navigation to any point of movie without preloading
- Easy Full-screen mode
- DAILY updates
- Convenient and fast search functions
- Secure access system
- Detailed real-time statistics
- Option Build your design to plugin
- Proven to retain your members longer

Pay your monthly rate in advance, any overages in arrears, and we auto-adjust your account each month to ensure you are paying the least possible !


Hit me up personally with any questions or issues - ICQ #293070684, gmmtoyboy@hotmail.com on MSN, GMM Toy Boy on AOL, CuriousToyBoy on Skype or GMMtoyboy on Yahoo.


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