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elmy 02-23-2009 08:02 AM

New chameleon blog and other news!
Dear users and affiliates,

First news is that we got a blog ( http://blog.chameleonsubmitter.com/ ) where we are going to release news regularly, statistics, tutorials etc. In preparation: We are going to show you stats from the submit we have done whole January 2009!

We have improved and upgraded our webmaster board (http://www.chameleonsubmitter.com/phpbb/) where you can post topics about anything you are interested in. If you aren't registered, go and register to the submitter's community now at: http://www.chameleonsubmitter.com/phpbb/

We aren't doing MoneyBookers payments anymore, so we kindly as our affiliates to change the payout to epassporte or wire transfer. Send us an email to affiliate *@*chameleonsubmitter.com if you would like to change your payout option.

Don't forget to check out our new cool promo banners right at our blog:

Oh and just a heads up - we are preparing a cool promo for March 2009!
Check our sites regularly!

Chameleon Submitter Team

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