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KCJ 03-14-2003 05:35 AM

KCJ script 1.3 version released
We have finally released the new version of KCJ – 1.3

We have fixed some bugs and added several features that makes using KCJ more convinient and much easier.
So now we offer you to try this new version

I. The most significant features added in 1.3 are

1.IP-based trade. No more cookies, fast redirection, incoming traffic cheat winding protection
2.External productivity (KCJ<->KCJ only)
3.Dynamic thumbnails. For each face separately.
4.It doesn't require MySQL for work.

II.The features that make using KCJ more convinient

1.Referers statsistics for 'noref' and 'no in'. So, you see where the "strange" traffic comes from.
2.Random rotation for afce categories.
3.In this version you can see the time when the new trader was registered and 'New webmaster' banners on the admin page.
4.Traders highlighting has become available. Now you see where he gets in constantly changing table
5.Traders' ICQ online state.
6.The following function makes running KCJ also much easier - Empty domains support (fetches from the URL)
7.Auto-redirect to /cgi-bin/in for direct domain entrance.
8.Now in.php and out.php are also available (you can rename these scripts to whatever you like).

III.Some fixed bugs

1.The script no more "dies" for 2 minutes upon Apache restarts.
2.Admin page is now more compact and also you can find redesigned control images that make the usage of KCJ much easier and more convenient.

The complete information you can find at our official site

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