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Cyndalie 02-24-2009 09:24 AM

Zach & Miri Make A Porno
I heard this movie sucked and after being disappointed with Pineapple Express I was kind of Seth Rogan-ed out. So I put this on with low expectations.

I really liked this movie. It was creative, and cute, and fun and a simple love story. It was predictable and feel good with and adult brand of humor that we all can appreciate. Male full frontal nudity always gets a plus too in my book :)

Evil Chris 02-24-2009 11:17 AM

I heard about it too but it didn't inspire me to see it.
There aren't too many movies out there right now that I really want to see.

12ClicksMichele 02-24-2009 01:19 PM

I have wanted to see that but hadn't heard good things. Will def check it out now. Now I just need to get a new dvd player.

Panky 02-24-2009 01:47 PM

That is one movie that didn't peak my interest at all. I might watch it sometime if I'm flipping through channels and it happens to be playing on one of the movie channels and nothing else catches my interest first.

Magnus3x 02-24-2009 02:14 PM

I liked this movie, pretty hilarious.. it's a renter for sure though.

My rule of thumb is if there are no spaceships, super heros and loads of CGI they are pretty much renters.

Vid Vicious 02-24-2009 02:56 PM

what was wrong with pineapple express ?

Cyndalie 02-25-2009 09:27 AM

I just wasn't that impressed. When Rogan gets all flustered he gets annoying, not funny. It was pretty violent for a stoner movie. Kind of ha funny but not haha funny. It would have been funnier without Rogan, the other dude was cool.

NicAngel 02-25-2009 03:17 PM

oh la la...full male frontal nudity in a blockbuster movie? i was surprised to see that in forgetting sarah marshall. i think we're on to something here ladies. lets keep it going!

LizAEBN 02-25-2009 03:21 PM

I wanted to like Zach & Miri Make A Porno - I like Rogan, I like Smith, I adore Jason Mewes. Hell, I even like Katie Morgan!

But ultimately, it got bogged down in sentimentality, and that bummed me out - no one goes to Kevin Smith for moral high ground, and when he took it to that place of sex vs. love, I was disappointed.

Now, Pineapple Express? I loved. I roared - because it was different than your usual stoner movies. I liked that there was violence, and any time we get to see Franco cut lose and get silly is a-ok by me.

SykkBoy 02-25-2009 04:39 PM

It was predictable for sure, but I loved the movie. Elizabeth Banks is really hot and I'll never listen to a Live song the same way again. An example of a song and movie moment coming together to create a really stirring scene...

Jimmidean 02-26-2009 08:57 AM

Really did not like it myself.
maybe I was just not in the mood.

Vid Vicious 02-26-2009 10:07 AM

I roared during the sex/love scene .. LOL ..

Thats not porn!! lol .. I kinda figured Seth was a minute man

HeavenLeeGoddess 02-27-2009 01:36 AM


Originally Posted by Cyndalie (Post 154171)
I heard this movie sucked and after being disappointed with Pineapple Express I was kind of Seth Rogan-ed out. So I put this on with low expectations.

I really liked this movie. It was creative, and cute, and fun and a simple love story. It was predictable and feel good with and adult brand of humor that we all can appreciate. Male full frontal nudity always gets a plus too in my book :)

This was the funniest movie i have seen in a long time.... :xthumbs::xthumbs::xthumbs:

DrChango 03-02-2009 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by Magnus3x (Post 154200)
I liked this movie, pretty hilarious.. it's a renter for sure though.

My rule of thumb is if there are no spaceships, super heros and loads of CGI they are pretty much renters.

My criteria is: no monkeys, no kung fu, no robots then I'm only watching it if someone else rents it and brings it over!

Cyndalie 03-03-2009 11:34 AM


Originally Posted by DrChango (Post 154490)
My criteria is: no monkeys, no kung fu, no robots then I'm only watching it if someone else rents it and brings it over!

You must have loved Grandma's Boy - it has all 3!

DrChango 03-03-2009 01:08 PM


Originally Posted by Cyndalie (Post 154509)
You must have loved Grandma's Boy - it has all 3!

It had its moments, but for all my foibles I am not a big fan of dumby humor. I want a film with epic robot battles and kung fu fights that also somehow manages to act as an allegory for the evils of expansionist/imperialist foreign policy...like anime before all the protagonists became 15 year old kids with emo hair that are too busy to pilot their giant robots into battle because they are in a tiff with their girlfriends (watching Adult Swim now is like getting kicked in the nuts over and over again!)

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