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SykkBoy 02-25-2009 04:50 PM

Top 10 Movies of 2008?
Here are my top 10 movies of 2008. Not necessarily "the best" but my favorites :)

Everyone, post yours as well.

1. REPO! The Genetic Opera - Proof that paris Hilton isn't TOTALLY useless. She actually has some pipes. Graverobber is the coolest movie character of the year, hands down.

2. Slumdog Millionaire - This movie sucked me in and wouldn't let go. I've seen it twice and am already eagerly awaiting the DVD.

3. The Wrestler - I consider Sin City his "comeback" film, but Mickey Rourke elevated his own masterful acting to a whole nother level here. F**k Sean Penn, this was the performance of the year and decade.

4. Son Of Rambow - A small indie flick that NEEDS to be seen. This movie charmed the sh*t out of me. The two young leads have major career success ahead of them. Seek the movie out. Netflix it or do whatever it takes to find it.

5. The Dark Knight - A teensy bit overhyped, but no way to hate this movie. As good as Heath Ledger was, Aaron Eckhart was extremely underrated in his role of Harvey Dent/Two Face.

6. Inside - This totally f***ed up movie from France showed American horror directors how it should be done. No PG13 teenflick crap here. Brutal and hard to watch, but a movie that will stick with you for days after you watch it.

7. Zack and Miri Make A Porno - I'm a big kevin Smith geek and this flick had me rolling on the floor. On the surface, it was a typical rom-com, but had so much more going for it thanks to good writing and the lovely Elizabth Banks.

8. Forgetting Sarah Marshall - Funny, sexy, smart and just damn funny. I'll never look at Jason Segal the same way again ;)

9. Pineapple Express - The most laughs I got out of a movie all year. From Red and the fight at his crib to the all out violent final fight, pure charm all the way. I admit it, I'm a Seth Rogen junkie.

10. In Bruges - Violent, funny and a total acting clinic. I went into this flick with minimal expectations, and enjoyed every minute of the movie. Not a single bad performance in the whole flick.

10. Milk - ok, I don't totally want to have a "f**k Sean Penn moment, because he was actually pretty good in this flick. Dustin Lance Black wrote an amazing screenplay (and gave the best Oscar speech of the night, IMHO) and Gus Van Sant did what he does best: make great movies (Even Cowgirls Get The Blues notwithstanding)

Sorry, I couldn't decide between these two for the 10 spot.....

Honorable mentions:

Iron Man - just barely barely barely missed my top 10...loved this flick and RJD surprised the heck out of me...great performance, stunning action, maybe I should have made this a top 15 list ;-)

Tokyo Gore Police - not for the faint of heart. It's not so much a movie as it is a moving gore art piece.

Frozen River - great little indy about a woman who lives on the Canadian/US border and runs illegals across the border to earn money for her kids.

Poultrygeist: Night Of The Living Dead Chicken - If you love Troma movies (like I do) this is a big gift-wrapped and covered in chocolate (Gads, I hope that's chocolate) Valentine...if you don't like them, this won't make you a fan. In fact, you'll probably get lost in the admittedly juvenile humor, excessive gore, naked people you don't wanna see naked, offensive on purpose wares on display. You'll laugh or you'll puke. No middle ground here.

DrChango 02-25-2009 05:53 PM

I've been impressed by Robert Downey Junior since A Scanner Darkly. I thought Iron Man was a great action movie. I actually avoided Pineapple Express like the plague because I hated Super Bad, but my roommate rented it and I walked into the room during the fight at Red's house and I was hooked. Watched it. Then invited some more friends over and watched the whole thing through while eating prodigious amounts of gummi worms.

Rosie Perez is a Cougar!

Evil Chris 02-25-2009 10:18 PM

Best movies I saw in 2008?

Quantum of Solace (saw it twice)
Saw V
Righteous Kill
Death Race
The Dark Knight (blah)

Maybe I should say that those are the only movies I saw in 2008! :laughout:
I enjoyed the Bond film most of all. I thought the Dark Knight wasn't as good as everyone said.

Cyndalie 02-26-2009 09:22 AM

I really liked Iron Man. Hellboy II was pretty good as well.

Magnus3x 02-26-2009 11:18 AM

1. REPO! The Genetic Opera - Proof that paris Hilton isn't TOTALLY useless. She actually has some pipes. Graverobber is the coolest movie character of the year, hands down.

Ummmmmm really? I mean c'mon LOL
There were a lot of great or even decent movies out this year Vs. anything PH is in, the only movie you should be giving her a 1/2 thumbs up to is her porno.

12ClicksMichele 02-26-2009 11:26 AM

Damn, I have a lot of catching up to do with movies.

TheLegacy 02-26-2009 03:29 PM

I dont look back - only forward - BRING ON STAR TREK !!!


Evil Chris 02-26-2009 03:41 PM

Yeah I'm looking forward to Star Trek too.

SykkBoy 02-26-2009 04:36 PM


Originally Posted by Magnus3x (Post 154340)
1. REPO! The Genetic Opera - Proof that paris Hilton isn't TOTALLY useless. She actually has some pipes. Graverobber is the coolest movie character of the year, hands down.

Ummmmmm really? I mean c'mon LOL
There were a lot of great or even decent movies out this year Vs. anything PH is in, the only movie you should be giving her a 1/2 thumbs up to is her porno.

have you seen the movie yet?

HeavenLeeGoddess 02-27-2009 01:54 AM

My favorite 10 are:

Immortally Yours
Naughty Novelist
The UnInvited
The UnBorn
My Bloody Valentine
Bedtime Stories
Ghost Town

Evil Chris 02-27-2009 02:01 PM

I forgot to mention "Into the Wild" which I thought was a great story. Maybe the best film I've seen in the past year.

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