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sharphead 03-06-2009 11:38 AM

So this is where everyone is hiding out!
Hey everyone... and thanks Evil Chris for hitting me up and sending me over the link for this forum.

For those who know me, hows it going?

For those that don't... I hope we do some biz sometime.

Glad to be here. :scram:

Visualad 03-06-2009 11:46 AM


DrChango 03-06-2009 12:09 PM

welcome to the drama-free forum =)

Evil Chris 03-06-2009 12:56 PM

When does the snow start melting out your way?


sharphead 03-06-2009 03:05 PM

Well it's starting to right now... but then it snows again and gets cold, so March is usually pretty screwed up in terms of Weather for Winnipeg. Will be definitely gone by April though.... and its now more bearable -- no more -20C days :)

Evil Chris 03-06-2009 03:39 PM

Portage & Main... thirty below!

Can't remember what song that is from....
I've had a couple of layovers in Winnipeg years ago.

cdsmith 03-07-2009 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by Evil Chris (Post 154706)
Portage & Main... thirty below!

Can't remember what song that is from....
I've had a couple of layovers in Winnipeg years ago.

Bachman Turner Overdrive, Prairie Town

and it's FIFTY below, not thirty. Thankfully today it's not that cold here.

Sharphead -- another pegger in the house? There goes the neighborhood.

Itchy 03-09-2009 02:32 PM

Hi Hi Hi :)

Cyndalie 03-09-2009 04:08 PM


Vid Vicious 03-09-2009 05:28 PM

ah Winterpeg .... damn flatest land i ever step foot on !

welcome to xnations

Janell 03-10-2009 01:12 PM

Yes its true all the cool kids hang their hat here. Xnations is the place to be.

dyonisus 03-10-2009 03:56 PM

welcome! Never been to WinterPeg, but then I left Toronto to escape that cold!

Jimmidean 03-10-2009 04:39 PM


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