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Dwreck 03-14-2003 01:44 PM

Holy Shit!! College Fuck Fest!!
OK Guys here my thoughts,

So I ask Evil Chris for a temp user/pass to CFF ( Easton told me that's the abreavtion all da true playa's know this LOL) and I was BLOWED away. Not only was he quick and more than responsive; some times I get the run around. he gave me asccess to rectal router and you know what I forget the name to the oher cause I didnt make it that far. LOLI was stuck in CFF. I stated feeling bad I was sucking up all with his bandwith. So I banned myself. LOL

Now grant you being a content provider the last two years I have been inside a ton a of paysites members areas and Im far from jaded. I was AMAZED and the quality of the site.

From the navigation, colors, updates and the amazing content. WOW.
:yeahmon: Did I mention the content??

It's wasnt degrading, it was real and it was fun just like sex is suppose to be in my mind!!

It made me relaize what a dork I was in college. That shit never happened to me.:confused: hehe

WAY TO GO!! Im in love :luv:

Evil Chris 03-14-2003 01:58 PM

Derek, thanks a ton for that testimonial buddy!
CFF is indeed an awesome site. The guys really know how to shoot and edit that stuff, and our design team is some of the very best in the business.

Let me know if you got everything you need to push the site (and our others), and that goes for anyone else out there. If you need anything to make money from Triple X Cash just let me know! :D

Sly 03-14-2003 03:00 PM

True dat! The other day I needed a couple pics from Chris to build some stuff for the new Rectal Rooter site... not only did Chris hook me up with the content, but he gave me passes to the 3 hot Triple X sites!

Rock on Chris!

-=HUNGRYMAN=- 03-14-2003 04:58 PM

Derek ...

You got a brown smudge on your nose ... LMAO :D

Hey Chris ... I've never had a peek inside the famous CFF ?!?

You holding out on me brother ?? :(

webmasters are perverts too !!

Easton 03-14-2003 07:25 PM

i've always thought it looked pretty cool from the tours and galleries i've seen... never seen the site inside tho

it really reminds me of my old fraternity days... very realistic except for this one issue that has always bothered me about the site... the guys wear these neon wristbands (kinda like in a bukkake or gangbang) which to me detracts from the true reality of a "drunken orgy"

i'm sure most surfers don't notice this, but we never wore wristbands in our frat when we were fucking the girls rotten... LOL

anyhow, perhaps that was just the early days of CFF - maybe they no longer wear the wristbands, i dunno

anyhow, it looks like a great site and seems to be a real winner with WMs and surfers alike... congrats on a successful site and job well done!

*thumbs up*

BuggyG 03-14-2003 08:05 PM


Originally posted by Easton
i've always thought it looked pretty cool from the tours and galleries i've seen... never seen the site inside tho

it really reminds me of my old fraternity days... very realistic except for this one issue that has always bothered me about the site... the guys wear these neon wristbands (kinda like in a bukkake or gangbang) which to me detracts from the true reality of a "drunken orgy"

i'm sure most surfers don't notice this, but we never wore wristbands in our frat when we were fucking the girls rotten... LOL

anyhow, perhaps that was just the early days of CFF - maybe they no longer wear the wristbands, i dunno

anyhow, it looks like a great site and seems to be a real winner with WMs and surfers alike... congrats on a successful site and job well done!

*thumbs up*

I'm still waiting to hear more of those stories Bro. BEsides the one ya told me sat night. Waiting for you to spill out more memories. Maybe one day hook up and take a walk to your old frat house and see the way they ar earund the legend. So RE...what u say?!?! lol :D

Mister X 03-15-2003 08:35 AM

I haven`t seen the inside of CFF either but it seems pretty obvious from the rebills that it must be pretty damn good. :D

McSpike 03-15-2003 05:56 PM

Ya damn, that CFF site made me realize what I didn't do in college too. :bonk:

And ya CFF rocks and so does Evil Cris. The man really is there when you need him. :xthumbs:

modF 03-16-2003 03:59 PM


Originally posted by Easton
i've always thought it looked pretty cool from the tours and galleries i've seen... never seen the site inside tho

it really reminds me of my old fraternity days... very realistic except for this one issue that has always bothered me about the site... the guys wear these neon wristbands (kinda like in a bukkake or gangbang) which to me detracts from the true reality of a "drunken orgy"

i'm sure most surfers don't notice this, but we never wore wristbands in our frat when we were fucking the girls rotten... LOL

anyhow, perhaps that was just the early days of CFF - maybe they no longer wear the wristbands, i dunno

anyhow, it looks like a great site and seems to be a real winner with WMs and surfers alike... congrats on a successful site and job well done!

*thumbs up*

I was at a few parties where wristbands were used, they were to show which people payed to get in, and got the "extras".

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