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AltaGayLinks 03-08-2009 02:51 PM

Traffic Trades & HardlinkEx with Alta Gay Links(PR4)
Webmasters get listed on our TOP150 Referring Sites List and receive hot, quality regular traffic from the highest traffic pages of AltaGayLinks
ONLY GAY Sites are Accepted! All sort of Gay Sites; Free, Avs, Paysites, Mgp, Tgp, Blogs, Tubes, LL, Big or Small etc.. are Welcome to participate!
We suggest you to join cause Altagaylinks is getting very hot SE traffic! But you need to send regular and productive traffic.
Top 150 Traders List is added to many pages of Alta Gay Links with different layouts.

Traffic Trade Url: www.altagaylinks.com/trade.php


HARDLINK EXCHANGE (For SE Popularity) At least PR4 Required:
Accepting HardLink Exchanges at: http://www.altagaylinks.com/index.htm
PR4 & 10 Yrs old website and receiving around 30.000 unique hits to the whole site daily.
Gay Porn Sites or any sort of sites having Adult content are welcome to trade.
Permanent Index Page Same Domain Trades with a minimum PR required: 4

Hard Linkex Url: www.altagaylinks.com/linkex/


We have limited Hardlink Spots for Sale. Not just for SE Popularity but Hardlinked sites will also receive some quality traffic. Since hardlinks are added to some other high traffic pages of altagaylinks.com

To BUY Hardlinks pls contact us at: bruno@altagay.com

Bruno Vitalli

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