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Evil Chris 09-18-2002 05:21 PM

Screen savers and Wallpaper?
There was a time when I used to use lot's of different funky wallpapers and screen savers, but I don't anymore.

My screen saver is the marquee with text, 'cus it take up like zero system resources, and more often than not I don't use any wallpaper at all save for a flat color.

What about the rest of you?
If you want, post your favourite wallpaper here but use the < img src= tag...

XxXotic 09-18-2002 05:35 PM


barryf 09-18-2002 06:05 PM

In university I had the lab computers set up to change my wallpaper to some scantily-clad supermodels whenever I logged in. Somebody complained to a prof that my wallpaper was obscene (it was a GUY believe it or not) and I got called into the prof's office. After I explained that there was no nudity he let me go like it was no big deal.
After that I always made sure my wallpaper was prominently displayed every time that guy walked by :D

These days? No wallpaper...

cyberpimp 09-18-2002 06:07 PM

Wallpaper? What's the use? I always have something open on my screen.


Screensaver, hell my computer is never left alone long enough to start the screensaver, I don't even know what I have it set too.

luke 09-18-2002 10:20 PM

I don't use wallpapers. I need all the resources I can get.

XXX, what is Weed 2k??? :smoker:

modF 09-18-2002 10:37 PM


Here is mine. I just added the wallpaper in the past few months. When I added the second monitor, the green was getting to me.

XxXotic 09-18-2002 10:52 PM


Originally posted by luke
I don't use wallpapers. I need all the resources I can get.

XXX, what is Weed 2k??? :smoker:

MS Word :D

luke 09-18-2002 10:53 PM



luke 09-18-2002 10:53 PM

Whoohoo! Just realized I'm over 200 posts!

What do I get now???? hehe

XxXotic 09-18-2002 10:54 PM


Originally posted by luke
Whoohoo! Just realized I'm over 200 posts!

What do I get now???? hehe

a free goat :p

XxXotic 09-18-2002 11:02 PM


my fave, I forgot this wallpaper

Horg 09-18-2002 11:20 PM

I use a nice little wallpaper graciously offered by my old cat Patate (resized from 1280*1024 to 800*640) :
I don't use a screen saver it's too fucking annoying, after 2 hours my screen shuts itself off that's all. I used to not use wallpapers but now that I have a very quite nice good yeah computer i don't care anymore everything runs top notch !

Funbrunette 09-19-2002 11:49 AM


Originally posted by Horg
I use a nice little wallpaper graciously offered by my old cat Patate (resized from 1280*1024 to 800*640) :

That's hilarious...lol :rofl:

Horg 09-19-2002 11:56 AM

Ahh all the joy a good scanner can give us !

ric knows nina 09-19-2002 12:05 PM

yup... no wallpaper here. takes up too much system memory. I also had to keep switching pics cause I kept staring at the same pic over and over til I was consumed with hatred.

I just keep a simple color now.

Tobbe 09-19-2002 12:16 PM

no wallpapers ! ::-|

Evil Chris 09-19-2002 12:36 PM

Looks like most people are the same in that they don't usually use a wallpaper or any kind of funky screen saver.
I'm hesitant to put any specific screen saver on my laptop... most of them just use up too many resources and I don't like waiting for a screen saver to stop once I've moved the mouse! :rolleyes:

Horg 09-19-2002 12:56 PM

With today's computer speed and the huge amount of memory the graphics card have I find it surprising that people still find there's a difference with and without wallpaper... What kind of machine does everybody have ?? Here's mine :

Athlon 1700+
768 mb Ram
19" LG screen
GeForce2MX video card 64 mb
32x cd burner
Wacom graphics tablet
Epson Perfection 1650 scanner
kick ass sound system ;P

LadySharlot 09-19-2002 02:19 PM

LOL--even if I had NASA's computers, I'de still be running them at full resource! LOL Always have at the very least 4 programs running at all times, and typically 2 + browser windows open. :)) I'm a busy woman. Hahahhaha

I don't use a screen-saver either, for the same reason. However, I DO keep a picture on my desktop. It changes from time to time. See--I found the Astronomy Picture of the Day web-site and keep it as my home page. Then, when I find a pic that I particularly like, I just dump it onto my desktop. :)) Keeps da' perty pictures changing. :D

I've got some BEAUTIFUL space scenes saved up. Mmmm...Perty!! Hahahha

Lady Sharlot :-)

Tafkap 09-20-2002 04:09 AM

here's mine, she asks me that same question everyday :



tejano B 09-20-2002 04:10 AM


Evil Chris 09-20-2002 11:29 AM


Originally posted by Tafkap
here's mine, she asks me that same question everyday :



Mmmm Anna Nicole... she used to be so hot! LOL

luke 09-20-2002 11:38 AM

Ahh. Salma Hayek is so damn fine!

Tafkap, I see you're a Fireworks guy too. I love Fireworks.

Rox 09-21-2002 01:35 PM

This is on my home desktop


It's called "CyberGoddess," which just happens to be the name of my company. :D

I love wallpaper and desktop themes, even though I know they suck up valuable resources. As many hours a day as I spend clickety-clacking away at this box (or the one at work), I enjoy having a little bit of scenery. At work, right now I have a desktop theme from Warcraft III, featuring a big nasty Orc. What's most ironic is that I have never played, and will never play Warcraft (or any other computer game for that matter). In my opinion, the only thing good about games is the graphics! My screensaver comes from another game, EA's "Alice," and stars the Cheshire Cat (which, as I recall, someone is using as an avatar here!). I just LOVE their rendition of that character; tattooed and pierced... and the bits of gore in his teeth (which aren't even sharp -- kinda weird) are simply too fuckin' kewl!

Evil Chris 09-21-2002 02:34 PM

Rox, posting these desktops is interesting. It's funny to look at some of the details of how people keep their desktops.
Like I said earlier, I don't usually have a wallpaper in use, but for the purpose of this thread I put one up.
I find it's more interesting to look at what people have open in their taskbar and the actual icons on the desktop. ::-| LOL

Here's mine right now:
<img src="http://www.evil-chris.com/desktop.jpg">

Good grief I am WAY too organized!

Rox 09-21-2002 04:50 PM


Originally posted by Evil Chris
Good grief I am WAY too organized!
:rofl: You & me both, babe!

I was asked to change my desktop wallpaper once at work (mind you, a good 85% of my coworkers are MEN), by my former manager (also a man). How could anyone find this even remotely "offensive?" It's freakin' ART for Chrissake!

<img src="http://obnoxiousbitch.com/stuff/troublemaker.jpg" height="400" width="534"></img>

No one had complained, but he said he "would have to ask" me to get rid of it. He's a good guy, and a young one, but being a manager for the Evil Empire has made him paranoid, I think. LOL

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