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Vid Vicious 03-17-2009 09:23 AM

working at home .. how do you manage your time ?
I've been working from home for ever! .. However beening in production only my days were pretty easy. now things have changed .. I do alot more "office" work .. ediitng at least 40 hours a week and approx 20 - 30 hours of production depending on the week. I'm finding that chat time eats up most of my day ... I was wondering how you guys that work from home managd your chat and telephone time vs your work hours ...

Magnus3x 03-17-2009 09:46 AM

You need to kill IM/ICQ almost all together and go either all email + phone/skype or email only.

Itchy 03-17-2009 11:31 AM

I try and keep idle chat to a min and I like to do more phone support, so I have a head set so I can still work and talk :)

Kenny B 03-17-2009 12:32 PM

I couldn't work from anymore it was killing me, after 5 years of it I was completely unproductive and getting depressed.

I work from the Livebucks offices now and its a world of difference working around others and I actually enjoy the 30 minute walk each way, rain, snow or shine!

Crak_JMan 03-17-2009 12:59 PM

I am looking into office space now with someone. I need to get the fuck out.

Working from home = GREAT in the winter but badddd in the summer.

Also big problem buy having home office is that when ever you have fuck all to do. Instead of chilling with a book, go out for a walk you are always tempted by the evil computer screen calling you to check stats or emails....

Vid Vicious 03-18-2009 02:47 AM

moving into an office isn't an option a my home is also my studio loft.

I've moved office out of the closed room into the main space which seems to make me more productive, I don't feel locked away.

unfortunitly all the calls have been from clients, and most of the icq chats were from collegues or information about my services.

I guess being freelance i just have to make due till i can get a secretary .. hey I can set you up in the back office if you like Jman ... then we'll both not get no work done together .. LOL

Vid Vicious 03-18-2009 02:49 AM


Originally Posted by Magnus3x (Post 155107)
You need to kill IM/ICQ almost all together and go either all email + phone/skype or email only.

:heart:but then you can't send me those little love notes i look forward to every tuesday morning :heart:

GothBuXXX 03-18-2009 04:51 AM


Originally Posted by JMan (Post 155123)
Also big problem buy having home office is that when ever you have fuck all to do. Instead of chilling with a book, go out for a walk you are always tempted by the evil computer screen calling you to check stats or emails....

That is something I can defiantly relate with :)

thruma 03-18-2009 05:51 AM

If you actually need to answer the phone it's tough.

The way I do it is I don't have ICQ on, I don't answer the phone and I use MS Outlook to set my entire schedule for the day.

I schedule everything in there, every little task, even chatting and making lunch and eating. etc etc. I even put in my morning shower. I view my work day as starting when I step out of bed so I put everything in there till the end of work. I actually hate living by such a rigid schedule but it does help me get things done.

It really helps you to see how little time you actually have to get things done and reminds you how focused you need to be in order to get things done.

Sometimes I just don't feel like following such a rigid schedule and I get very little done. Some things done yes but very little. The thing is when I do give in and follow the schedule and get so much done I'm usually happier with myself for achieving so much. :)

Nice thing about outlook too is you can move the times around for stuff so as long as you know you need to get those things done you can mess with the times and not have to be so rigid.

Funbrunette 03-18-2009 08:48 AM

I wake up early, get Ryan ready for school, jump in the shower, get dressed and start my work day. I've given up on ICQ a long time ago it was just a huge distraction, I use my email and the phone. Works wonders for me! :)

lulu 03-18-2009 01:25 PM

i go to the gym 3 to 4 times a week. it keeps me sane. if i can i break up my day with the gym or walk the dog.

but, i'm seriously considering an office space. i'm where kenny was. 5 yrs almost from home. its tough at times.

as far as chat goes Vid. i just get to work and if i have to i tell people straight up that i'm busy. i manage that part well. i do a little chit chat and get on with it. i use email lots.

Evil Chris 03-18-2009 01:30 PM

Sometimes it's tough to motivate to get things going, but I find ways to do it.
Agree with JMan though... that screen gets us back when we should be doing other things.

Vid Vicious 03-18-2009 02:56 PM

i got my chat set on "editing - please send me an email" .. but yet people still ping me constantly and more often when i don't respond .... I figure better to chat wiht them for 10 mintutes then lose them all together ... Ie: this morning i got a call, a number that i didn't reconised .. decided to answer it cus i was exporting anyhow .. turned out to be a great call for a huge gig ... I guess i just have to manage and some how get all my work done

Vid Vicious 03-18-2009 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by Evil Chris (Post 155164)
Sometimes it's tough to motivate to get things going, but I find ways to do it.
Agree with JMan though... that screen gets us back when we should be doing other things.

i find getting back to work after a chat is a tough motivation to find

Cyndalie 03-18-2009 03:07 PM

I could do it no problem so long as I have peace and quiet. I was pretty good at it.
I still would be - if I had to work from home, I'd still take the baby to daycare lol

Sticking to a schedule helped me stay managed - Start at the same time every day, eat lunch, stop, spend some down time, check in before bed.

lulu 03-18-2009 05:39 PM


Originally Posted by Cyndalie (Post 155173)
I could do it no problem so long as I have peace and quiet. I was pretty good at it.
I still would be - if I had to work from home, I'd still take the baby to daycare lol

Sticking to a schedule helped me stay managed - Start at the same time every day, eat lunch, stop, spend some down time, check in before bed.

yup that's pretty much it. also what helps me is getting out of the pj's. there are a few days when i work in the jammies. but not many.

carol.prime 03-19-2009 03:16 PM

I'm planning to work at home by next week. I need to double the effort to get more sales. This economic crisis really s*cks.

Abernathy SixtySix 03-23-2009 03:49 PM


Originally Posted by JMan (Post 155123)
I am looking into office space now with someone. I need to get the fuck out.

Working from home = GREAT in the winter but badddd in the summer.

Also big problem buy having home office is that when ever you have fuck all to do. Instead of chilling with a book, go out for a walk you are always tempted by the evil computer screen calling you to check stats or emails....

this is very true...but I will be working at home for a few more years yet...i really try and break up my day by walking, getting some chores done ect. but i do miss an office for sure...and it is going to be even harder now that I am moving to Florida and it is warm all the time :geez:

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