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Cyndalie 03-25-2009 10:07 AM

I had a wisdom tooth pulled yesterday
And everyone is a bunch of pussies. It wasn't that bad.

They numbed me up and yanked it. Took all of 40 seconds to get it out.
Of course the bleeding is the worst part, I think I've swallowed a pint of blood in the last 24 hours YUK!

They prescribed me percocet/oxycodone and Motrin. I took a motrin and that was it. It's sore but not painful.

Visualad 03-25-2009 10:12 AM

you had an easy yank then.. :-)

when I got 2 yanked about 7-8 years ago - they had to crack them in pieces and what not (cause the roots where all over the place). It felt like someone was pounding my teeth with a jack hammer and then trying to pull it out.. without success.. Then back to the pounding for another try.. etc. Was insane.

The bleeding afterwards is a fun bonus aswell. ;-) Not to mention I had every piece of small food ending up in the "holes" for about 1 year after that.. Rice and shit all kept ending up in them holes.

Cyndalie 03-25-2009 11:04 AM

OMG that's horrid.

I've had 3 so far simply yanked with Novocain. No complications. The one yesterday was a bottom one.

LAJ 03-25-2009 02:49 PM

Wow... I had all mine yanked when I was about 20.

lulu 03-25-2009 04:43 PM

me too J. all 4 were impacted. they had to put me under. not as easy as it was for you cyn. you got lucky.

LAJ 03-25-2009 04:51 PM


Originally Posted by lulu (Post 155423)
me too J. all 4 were impacted. they had to put me under. not as easy as it was for you cyn. you got lucky.

YIKES that would have sucked. All of mine with the exception of one came right out. Only needed a local anesthetic.

DrChango 03-25-2009 05:56 PM

I was put under and had all four pulled in one go. One of them was already cracked when they started, and that one had to be pulled out in fragments (according to the oral surgeon, that one took as long as the other three combined).
I was prescribed oxycodone and it sucked, so I stopped taking it and took ibuprofen.

Abernathy SixtySix 03-25-2009 06:33 PM


Originally Posted by Cyndalie (Post 155391)
And everyone is a bunch of pussies. It wasn't that bad.

They numbed me up and yanked it. Took all of 40 seconds to get it out.
Of course the bleeding is the worst part, I think I've swallowed a pint of blood in the last 24 hours YUK!

They prescribed me percocet/oxycodone and Motrin. I took a motrin and that was it. It's sore but not painful.

hahaha...I had 3 taken out and two of them were impacted...they had to knock me out to do the job and when I came too, I felt like crap, I spit blood for a week and was sick...I am proud to say I am a pussy :laughout:

DrChango 03-25-2009 06:50 PM

when I was still out of it, but mobile, I apparently cussed out my grandmother and fell down in the front yard of their house. Hurray for anaesthesia!

Panky 03-25-2009 07:44 PM

All 4 of mine were impacted. The upper two 3rd molars never fully developed, but one was in my sinus and the other was at the edge of my sinus. The lower two 3rds were lying in the jaw bone facing any which way but up. I assisted on a lot of tooth and wisdom tooth extractions both in the office and surgeons office. I knew what was involved. All I can say is, I should have not looked at my x-ray. I worked with my surgeon and knew him well. I also knew that as skilled as a surgeon as he is, my lower left 3rd was going to be a bitch to remove.

Before that surgery, I had never had anesthesia before. I had this remote fear that I was going to feel something during the surgery. Where I got this idea from, I have no idea, but it was there. I remember waking up from surgery, walking out to the recovery room with a mouth full of gauze. As soon as I saw my mom, I said , "I didn't feel a thing!", as tears rolled down my face and bloody gauze started to fall out of my mouth. Of course, I had no idea I was drooling because I couldn't feel a single thing. Freaked my mom out a bit though. lol! I just remember being so relieved because I feared I would feel something. lol!

Evil Chris 03-25-2009 09:27 PM

Some of them come out easy.
I got several out at once as I recall... circa 1984. ;)
It's not the pain so much as it is the discomfort for a few days.

Now root canals.... that's pain.

Cyndalie 03-27-2009 11:03 AM

oh yeah, that's next :(

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