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McAttack 03-15-2003 10:47 PM

Apparently humans need sleep
I've got about a solid 6 hours of sleep in me over the past 3 days. In these three days, I've moved a whole truck full of office equipment, painted, setup a network, found time to go drink and get a little bit more drunk than I should've last night, and euhhh... posted on XNations...... My body is pissed off at me and wants real sleep.

I think I'm going to pass out now. good night..
a lsdjfkl;aszxk (head slammed on keyboard):nitenite:

Easton 03-16-2003 11:21 AM

g'nite bro... you deserve the rest!

please icq me about the e-mails you mentioned on PJs... maybe we can work on something


HeadPimp 03-16-2003 11:33 AM

I know what you mean. When I get on a working streak, I am at the computer from 8am till 2-3am for a couple days in a row. Then I crash like a mexican airliner in the fog.

Funbrunette 03-16-2003 01:19 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Sleep is important it's one of the basic needs to survive...If you've ever studied Psychology you'll remember Maslow's Pyramid!

StacyCat 03-16-2003 06:34 PM

OKay, Maslov's heierarchy also inclueds sex in its basic level.

Also, check this story out.


"Many nights of little sleep--fewer than six hours a night--can impair mental performance as much as not getting a wink for two nights in a row, new research shows. "

pornodoggy 03-16-2003 06:36 PM

I've gotten into this routine of working until 4 a.m., sleeping until 10, working until 2-3, napping for an hour or two, then going back to work between 7 and 8 and working all night. I've done this before and never had much trouble switching back to a regular routine - it's sure not working this time.

Evil Chris 03-16-2003 09:34 PM


Originally posted by pornodoggy
I've gotten into this routine of working until 4 a.m., sleeping until 10, working until 2-3, napping for an hour or two, then going back to work between 7 and 8 and working all night. I've done this before and never had much trouble switching back to a regular routine - it's sure not working this time.
I could probably get into a routine like that for a while, but it would just burn me out eventually. I don't work late into the night anymore. Not like I used to anyway. I'm more motivated in the mid-afternoon. Plus, my significant other would never see me if I worked in the evenings!

McAttack... I hope you're all installed now! Get some rest buddy! :D

McAttack 03-17-2003 11:13 AM


Originally posted by StacyCat
OKay, Maslov's heierarchy also inclueds sex in its basic level.

Also, check this story out.


"Many nights of little sleep--fewer than six hours a night--can impair mental performance as much as not getting a wink for two nights in a row, new research shows. "

Great so you're saying I'm gonna be a retard because of this? :bonk:
And FB, yeah I studie Maslow's theory in marketing class actually. There was another theory that brought it down to four principles, but I forget which one it was.

wsjb78 03-17-2003 01:45 PM

Sleep? Isn't that an urban legend?

gunner 03-17-2003 08:21 PM


Originally posted by Funbrunette
Sleep is important it's one of the basic needs to survive...If you've ever studied Psychology you'll remember Maslow's Pyramid!
that's Maslow BEFORE the creation of the Internet...
the new version has a tier right after the physiological needs,

PornDaddy 03-18-2003 10:53 AM

The best thing that works for me after spending 96-99 sleeping next to my computer, is having my computer in my den. This way I can answer
ICQ's and so fourth when I'm on the wifes clock. I Have TIVO so I can pause my TV, and I got rid of a desk and work out of my recliner. I get a ton of work done, but don't deny my wifes needs at the same time. The thing that helped me the most though was doing an hour on the treadmill each day before I start work. I think more clearly, and work much more efficently. Plus I lost 20 LBS.

Working hard on a project is good. But once you finish something, reward yourself with a little YOU time.

okny 03-19-2003 05:08 AM

Sleep? who sleeps these days, i honestly think sleep is a waste of time :D

McAttack 03-19-2003 01:52 PM


Originally posted by PornDaddy
The best thing that works for me after spending 96-99 sleeping next to my computer, is having my computer in my den. This way I can answer
ICQ's and so fourth when I'm on the wifes clock. I Have TIVO so I can pause my TV, and I got rid of a desk and work out of my recliner. I get a ton of work done, but don't deny my wifes needs at the same time. The thing that helped me the most though was doing an hour on the treadmill each day before I start work. I think more clearly, and work much more efficently. Plus I lost 20 LBS.

Working hard on a project is good. But once you finish something, reward yourself with a little YOU time.

That's great stuff actually. Work from the recliner, so you're using a wireless setup I guess. And a big ass screen!

I'm lucky in that sense (work-wise) that i live alone, so my spare bedroom is my home office. But now, I spend a lot of time at the actual office to try and get some projects going. I give myself friday nights at the pub for myself every week! heheh

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