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Funbrunette 03-27-2009 07:32 AM

TGIF Xnations! What are your plans...
For the weekend? Probably dinner and a movie for me tonight and tomorrow I'm hoping Ryan will enjoy the poney rides and whole sugar shack experience at our local grocery store. They have it every year and it's so much fun for the kids!

Sunday: Sleep...sleep and more sleep! :asleep:


Jimmidean 03-27-2009 08:21 AM

Going to jump the gun and start pulling out the patio furniture and get an optimistic jump on everything.

Magnus3x 03-27-2009 09:42 AM

Putting the rims on wifeys car this weekend.. then beers, bbq, not in any particular order.

Itchy 03-27-2009 10:11 AM

Too many personal projects I'll be working all weekend :( BUT there will be beer :)

Cyndalie 03-27-2009 10:24 AM

I'm excited for this weekend! Sat. we were invited to our first little birthday party! Sat night I'm going out for drinks with my baby sitter, she's awesome - this will be our first time hanging out.

Jimmidean 03-27-2009 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by Magnus3x (Post 155515)
Putting the rims on wifeys car this weekend.. then beers, bbq, not in any particular order.

Thanks for the reminder.
I think I will do the same.

Evil Chris 03-27-2009 12:45 PM

I'm doing whatever Funbrunette is doing. ;)

DrChango 03-27-2009 02:21 PM

Constructing doomsday device...nursing sick kittie upon her return from the vet...going on a date with a nice young lady...returning home from the date to assess what damage my roommates' friends have done to my possessions during their "sexy lingerie party"...busting heads where appropriate.

FortressDewey 03-27-2009 02:57 PM

Hmm, @ 5:30, nap...then check on janitorial employees in the early evening...then QT with wife....then take lil man to library and read some books, then swimming...then...who knows...suppose to be raining here this weekend...perhaps some real good QT with the 360?....no golf

Abernathy SixtySix 03-27-2009 03:16 PM

Getting my nails done, eyebrows threaded, pedicure, sorting my clothes for PHX and heading back to Florida :)

Virgule3 03-27-2009 04:58 PM

I'll have dinner with this gorgeous guy I am absolutely in love with who loves me more than I love him he says, then, we'll come home, go to bed, make passionate love for hours... Tomorrow, wake up late, make love again, spend the day in bed, talk, sleep, laugh, watch TV in bed, make love again and Sunday, the same...

Oh, huh? What? It's just a fantasy! Ha. :(

The reality...

I'm having supper with the girls tonight. Tomorrow and Sunday, I'm patrolling at the ski center here and tomorrow night, I might have a nice evening with a cute guy I like but it's just for sex. Oh well, he's hot and a great lover, better than nothing hey? But he might also stand me up if his friends are having a party so we'll see...

Crak_JMan 03-27-2009 05:32 PM

Going to Sugar Shack with my buddy and his 2 sons from Australia

Vid Vicious 03-28-2009 01:56 PM

i was able to finnish all my work a little early this week .. so it's party time this weekend .. unless something un expected cums up ...

DrChango 03-30-2009 01:21 PM

I got fucking food poisoning at IHOP! I was out almost all day Saturday (like abed until 6pm). I did go out on that date Saturday night, and I did get a couple of good night smooches=)
Cat is doing well, only person who puked at the party was one of my roommates...who puked all over his bed=/

NicAngel 04-06-2009 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by Funbrunette (Post 155513)

LOL!!! Thats exactly how I feel sometimes!!

lulu 04-06-2009 06:44 PM


Originally Posted by DrChango (Post 155620)
I got fucking food poisoning at IHOP! I was out almost all day Saturday (like abed until 6pm). I did go out on that date Saturday night, and I did get a couple of good night smooches=)
Cat is doing well, only person who puked at the party was one of my roommates...who puked all over his bed=/

shitty on the food poisoning. sweet on the good night smooches :)

asGayMan 04-07-2009 04:25 PM

i love that cat photo ... sooo cool LOL

DrChango 04-07-2009 05:19 PM


Originally Posted by lulu (Post 155851)
shitty on the food poisoning. sweet on the good night smooches :)

I made a mental note to A) never go to IHOP again and B) take that girl to the movies more often ;)

dyonisus 04-10-2009 08:21 PM

This Friday... the 10th, I am workign in LA until about 8 or 9, driving home to where I will set up shop and work most the wknd save for Sunday, that is the day my baby has off work and we will probably hit the dogbeach!!!

DrChango 04-14-2009 03:37 PM

this week my weekend starts early...I'm going camping with the family of the girl I started dating...hopefully this isn't a trap and they aren't like psycho cannibals or something. I mean, they seem really nice and all, but it's always the nice folks that turn out to be axe-murderer/cannibals in all the B movies I watch...

lulu 04-14-2009 04:43 PM


Originally Posted by DrChango (Post 156094)
this week my weekend starts early...I'm going camping with the family of the girl I started dating...hopefully this isn't a trap and they aren't like psycho cannibals or something. I mean, they seem really nice and all, but it's always the nice folks that turn out to be axe-murderer/cannibals in all the B movies I watch...

when should we call 911?

DrChango 04-14-2009 06:48 PM


Originally Posted by lulu (Post 156099)
when should we call 911?

We're leaving early Thursday morning...if I'm not back on here Monday morning, send in a bunch of poorly trained Army National Guard troops in mismatched equipment to find me. That always works in B movies...oh wait, no it always ends in disaster. Crap.

On second thought, send Chuck Norris. He always rescues people from ridiculous situations against all odds. Tell Chuck I'll be somewhere in the vicinity of Apache Lake, AZ.

DrChango 04-20-2009 03:39 PM

I return, sunburned but generally none the worse for ware!

What awesomeness did I miss?

lulu 04-21-2009 12:47 PM


Originally Posted by DrChango (Post 156328)
I return, sunburned but generally none the worse for ware!

What awesomeness did I miss?

wb. you're sunburned and single or sunburned and still with your new girlfriend? ;)

awesomeness... my trip to italy is coming together. i'm going to go see The Killers in Verona, at roman amphiteatre arena June 8th. That's pretty awesome, I think. :)

DrChango 04-21-2009 02:19 PM


Originally Posted by lulu (Post 156350)
wb. you're sunburned and single or sunburned and still with your new girlfriend? ;)

awesomeness... my trip to italy is coming together. i'm going to go see The Killers in Verona, at roman amphiteatre arena June 8th. That's pretty awesome, I think. :)

She's taking me to a sushi place tonight for my b-day, so apparently dropping fishing poles on her mom and almost lighting a tent on fire do not qualify as deal-breakers, lol

Italy, eh? Sweet. I expect you to post pics! (particularly you on a moped or vespa zooming around Rome!)

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