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Funbrunette 03-28-2009 01:11 PM

Spring is in the air!!!
What a beautiful day...Unfortunately I'm stuck inside. I was rushed to the hospital yesterday morning with MAJOR pain to my abdomen, spent the whole day high on morphine (I hate that feeling) They thought it was a ruptured appendix, then a cyst on one of my ovaries then an infection in my intestines. So they sent me home after dinner with pain killers :sick: So needless to say I'm spending the weeken on my back. I go back Monday for more tests hope it's nothing serious! I'm losing faith in our health system, I'm sure it's just bad ulcers.

Now I hope everyone is enjoying this sunny spring day!

Vid Vicious 03-28-2009 01:53 PM

yikes hun .. i hope it's nothing serious!

Its real nice out today ..gonna head into town for a nice patio lunch .. then gonna paint the town ROUGE tonight ... Spring time fun!

Evil Chris 03-28-2009 02:21 PM

Get well Funbrunette.... I'm going to pamper you until you're better.

Funbrunette 03-28-2009 06:47 PM

*yawn* just woke up I can't beleive I slept ALL day and the only reason I woke up was to feed my dog (after he licked my face for 15 minutes) and Ryan's betta fish. It's time for another dosage so I guess I'll be on my back all evening again :geez: It's tough to decide between pain and not having a weekend, but as soon as the pain starts the choice becomes easy...lol

Vid enjoy, I'd love to be having a drink on a terrace (my patio door has been open all day, great warm breeze)

Tomorrow will be a better day no doubt!

HeavenLeeGoddess 03-29-2009 02:34 AM


Originally Posted by Funbrunette (Post 155558)
What a beautiful day...Unfortunately I'm stuck inside. I was rushed to the hospital yesterday morning with MAJOR pain to my abdomen, spent the whole day high on morphine (I hate that feeling) They thought it was a ruptured appendix, then a cyst on one of my ovaries then an infection in my intestines. So they sent me home after dinner with pain killers :sick: So needless to say I'm spending the weeken on my back. I go back Monday for more tests hope it's nothing serious! I'm losing faith in our health system, I'm sure it's just bad ulcers.

Now I hope everyone is enjoying this sunny spring day!

I know the feeling... I have lived with growing and bursting cyst's on my ovaries for years..... But when I went to the OBGYN they said its normal for women to have cyst's on there ovaries..... But mine are just way out of control to the point where they burst and cause me to be very sick and in the hospital for dehydration..... i could weigh 120lbs and get sick like that and drop to 90lbs in 2days..... Not good at all.... So I know what your going through..... I'll be praying for you to get better!!!!:)

thruma 03-30-2009 01:48 AM

Hope you're feeling better soon.

Get well quick!

Cyndalie 03-30-2009 10:14 AM

I lost an ovary (torsion due to cyst) that almost killed me. Did they do an ultrasound on you? What about an CAT? I had both tests done and they still wrote it off as 'complicated appendicitis' and cut me open, only to find an ovary the size of a grapefruit full of toxins and clots. If you start getting sick and can't hold anything down get immediate medical attention.

Since then I've had cyst ruptures and they can be painful but usually go away within 24 hours.

I hope you get well soon.

DrChango 03-30-2009 01:09 PM

damn, and I thought my weekend started off badly when I got food poisoning at IHOP Friday night.

Hope you feel better, FB

Cyndalie 03-30-2009 03:06 PM

I find it disconcerting they'd put you on pain meds without figuring what is causing the pain. They won't do that in the US.

Abernathy SixtySix 03-30-2009 04:33 PM

Get well soon pretty lady...:):heart::)

lulu 03-30-2009 07:25 PM

hope you're feeling better FB

Rochard 03-31-2009 12:51 PM


Originally Posted by Funbrunette (Post 155558)
So needless to say I'm spending the weeken on my back.

Don't you spend most of your time on your back anyhow?

Yesterday I saw my doctor and she told me she thinks I might have cancer and sent me off to a specialist. Wonderful way to start your week.

Funbrunette 04-04-2009 01:33 PM


Originally Posted by Rochard (Post 155683)
Don't you spend most of your time on your back anyhow?

Oh yeah all the time that's all I do! :geez:

asGayMan 04-07-2009 04:25 PM

what's wrong ? hope u are ok now.

Funbrunette 04-07-2009 06:23 PM

Yes all is better I'm back to my old self yeah!!! :ban2:

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