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cmexxx 03-16-2003 01:25 AM

Would you like to increase you CJ/TGP productivity? See how we can help you!
Hey guys...
I wanted to introduce to you our new scripts that will be extremely helpful in our business.
Our powerful scripts will outbid all other scripts that are on the market right now!
Please take a little of your time and read more about it!

SDThumbs TM- Advanced Links and Thumbnails Rotation System
Our system is dedicated to boost up your website's productivity!
Our script is integrates in all TGP and CJ sites and is a great help to all of them.
The unique system of rating helps you to eliminate unnecessary thumbnails and links and shows the surfer only the most popular and new thumbnails and links!

1. Thumbnail display system with storing position by already seen by the web surfer or by popularity
2. Crawler - will automatically scan TGP galleries and download them to you server with automatic resizing of pictures.
3. Automatic resizing of thumbnail on C with the quality same as Photoshop
4. Opportunity to customize parameters to OUT URL
5. Opportunity to add parameter to position thumbnail on homepage (Skimming)
6. Multi-level checking system of thumbnail popularity
7. Opportunity to store thumbnail on separate server
8. Special system of tracking and lowering the use of server's RAM
9. Rotation system of text links by popularity
10. Opportunity to custom design thumbnail templates and text link
11. Bonus! Ready to use database with 12000 gallery links, descriptions, URLs and categories for every gallery
12. Whole system does not use database except for OUT URL click
13. Fully loaded Control panel

For more information and questions please click here.

Thanks a lot...

cmexxx 03-16-2003 01:28 AM

ps don't forget to register on Sexdev.com to get a discount on SDThumbs script...


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