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Validus 03-17-2003 12:15 PM

Hello from Germany!
Hey guys... haven't posted here in ages.. thought I'd come and say hi!

Funbrunette 03-17-2003 12:18 PM

Hey! How ya been? lot's happening here...We're growing and growing! :D

Validus 03-17-2003 12:22 PM

I can seeeee that :-)

Nice pic by the way!

StuartD 03-17-2003 12:25 PM

Welcome back to XNations. :xthumbs:

Validus 03-17-2003 12:29 PM

well thank you!

Visualad 03-17-2003 12:45 PM

welcome back.

Evil Chris 03-17-2003 12:49 PM

Guten tag Validus! Are you speaking the local language yet?

luke 03-17-2003 12:51 PM

Welcome back, I've been a little quiet lately as well.

Panky 03-17-2003 01:15 PM

Welcum back Validus!


Jeff N 03-17-2003 02:12 PM


Wo Kommst du? Ich fur 2 jahre in Garmisch gewohnte im 1990. Mein Deutsch ist slim.

I absolutely loved Garmisch, great place to live... Anyways, I am fairly new to this board but have been in the industry for many years.. Welcome back,


poppy 03-18-2003 12:39 AM

Validus, nice to see you at Xnations buddy! I may have something that would interest you, so hit me up on ICQ.

Validus 03-18-2003 05:59 AM

Chris: Ja sicher. Bin ja auch hier geboren.

Hmm Poppy.. will do.. or u message me... I can never see u online.

Ahhhh I can feeeeeel the love!

adamneve 03-18-2003 07:13 AM

welcome back...:D

Tafkap 03-18-2003 08:54 AM

Nice 2 see u back...


poppy 03-18-2003 11:57 PM


Originally posted by Validus

Hmm Poppy.. will do.. or u message me... I can never see u online.

I am always online brutha!

Validus 03-19-2003 02:33 AM

Whats with the monkey in your banner thing? I ment to ask u about that for a while now!

wsjb78 03-19-2003 05:53 AM

Habe dich bisher noch nie hier angetroffen Validus. WB to XNations!

firehorse 03-19-2003 07:45 AM

Welcum back Validus!:D

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