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Evil Chris 04-27-2009 01:17 PM

Swine Flu - are you worried?
I'm a little concerned. Reason being, there aren't a ton of cases really, but they are spread out in small numbers everywhere.



Vid Vicious 04-27-2009 01:23 PM

stop playing with pigs and you'll be fine

DrChango 04-27-2009 03:29 PM

don't go to Mexico on vacation, lol

right now the DVD sales folks down the hall are making piggy noises at each other to invoke the swine flu, lol

Rochard 04-27-2009 03:34 PM

Am I worried about this? You betcha. This is how the world fucking ends.

Someone is going to fuck a goat who has the goat flu, and that goat will end up passing it to a duck. The duck will eat some bad meat, and combined with the human goat fucker flu it will mutate into something that kills and kills quickly. You get the point.

Look at aids. Now imagine that AIDS is spread by common contact, a few germs, and kills within weeks - not years. And bingo - Suddenly the 98% of the human race is gone.

This is some scary shit.

Cyndalie 04-27-2009 03:55 PM

The poor, malnourished, old, and those lacking health care (ie. insurance if you are in the US) are the ones that need to worry right now.

Janell 04-27-2009 05:29 PM

I hadn't anything about it until this morning its all over the news. As the day goes on I am becoming more concerned that's exactly what I need right now.

Panky 04-27-2009 05:46 PM

I'm not worried or concerned about it at all. Every single day, we are exposed to any number of things that can make us sick and/or kill us. All anyone can do is to be aware of the world around them and take the necessary precautions to reduce the risk. I'm not about to spend my life cooped up in my house, having minimum to zero human contact, for fear I could become ill and/or die.

carol.prime 04-28-2009 11:09 AM

I'm worried of course. But I think the best way to do is to prevent those foods.
Prevention is always better than cure.

HeavenLeeGoddess 04-28-2009 11:20 AM


Originally Posted by Cyndalie (Post 156572)
The poor, malnourished, old, and those lacking health care (ie. insurance if you are in the US) are the ones that need to worry right now.

Actually people between 25-45 have to watch real close..... If you notice pretty much every case here in the us are between 25-45 with good immune systems..... Its not just the flu that kills you.... When people have good immune systems and when you get the flu it puts your immune system in overdrive and you body cant handle it.....

HeavenLeeGoddess 04-28-2009 11:22 AM


Originally Posted by carol.prime (Post 156590)
I'm worried of course. But I think the best way to do is to prevent those foods.
Prevention is always better than cure.

We dont have to worry about it passing through the food cause its not in the food..... We have to make sure we wash our hands sneeze and cough into a tissue or when we dont have tissue sneeze or cough into your elbow.....

People themselves have to take precautions.....

lulu 04-28-2009 02:33 PM

i'm not too worried.

Magnus3x 04-29-2009 11:28 AM

I'm more worried about the paranoia, the jumping to conclusions, the full boar Ninja media assault. Toronto has a right to be extra worried because it had the SARS outbreak a few years ago, but they learned a lot about containment and control, which the rest of the world seems to be out of.

- Normal influenza has killed more people since Jan 09.
- Those who die from this are likely the elderly the very young and those with weakened immune systems.

Let's relax and get on with living till the next wave of hysteria hits the media. What happened to Octomom? That was a simpler time then wasn't it?

Evil Chris 04-29-2009 12:45 PM

I thought about either REM or Sabbath for this post. Sabbath won out. :)

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NicAngel 04-29-2009 04:42 PM

nah. i'm just gonna stop dating pigs.

born2blog 05-04-2009 12:25 AM

I'm not really worried but I do hope they get this under control soon

LizAEBN 05-04-2009 10:37 AM

I'm actually not. Seems like every few years, we have a new, terrifying pandemic threat on the horizon. And maybe that's mother Nature trying to tell us something.

DrChango 05-04-2009 05:16 PM

over-population leads to famine, plague, and war

RD_Shane 05-04-2009 06:21 PM

Not really. There's always some new flu that's gonna wipe us all out.

dyonisus 05-18-2009 06:38 PM

I am not worried, famine plague war, if it is not one thing it is another.

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