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BigBrownKablooey 05-28-2009 09:58 AM

Watch the Mr. Nobody creepy trailer
Here in North America, science fiction has largely been reduced to laser blasts and flashy new ways of making things explode. The reality is that if you can imagine it, you can make it and so the possibilities are endless. And this is essentially the point of Jaco Van Dormael’s Mr Nobody.

Essentially an inversion of the parallel-universe theory that speculates that the universe splits every time someone makes a decision, creating multiple realities representing every possible option, Mr Nobody stars Jared Leto as Nemo, a man who discovers in childhood that if he simply refuses to make those decisions then all possibilities remain open and he can experience every possible life simultaneously. I caught the sales promo for this one in Berlin and was left scraping my jaw off the floor. It’s gorgeously put together with a fantastic premise and stellar cast - Canadian actress Sarah Polley also stars - and was widely considered a lock for Cannes until it turned out that it wasn’t, after all. The French theatrical release has just been announced for October, an annoucement accompanied by a trailer - in English - that is every bit as gorgeous as I remembered the sales reel being. Check it out below the break!

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Evil Chris 05-28-2009 01:57 PM

something didn't work!

BigBrownKablooey 05-29-2009 11:00 AM

the video's loading.

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