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BigBrownKablooey 06-04-2009 10:03 AM

Real Bloody Pregnancy Horror Movie Trailer
Eight months pregnant, and preoccupied with both a natural childbirth and a pure-body lifestyle, Madeline Matheson, played with merciless compassion by Jordan Ladd, deflects her demanding mother-in-law’s insistent pressure for standard hospital treatment, instead opting for the peaceful companionship of a trusted midwife. Though reluctantly compliant, her husband remains supportive of her choices until a sudden tragic accident leaves her unborn baby lifeless inside of her. Madeline remains determined to carry the stillborn baby to term, where she miraculously wills the delivered corpse into life. But it is not too long before the increasingly isolated mother realizes that something is not right with baby Grace, and she must make horrible sacrifices to keep her living.

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Evil Chris 06-04-2009 10:46 AM

Where's the trailer? Sounds good!

MediaGuy 06-05-2009 12:47 AM

Oh yeah.

She just needs to eat... something.


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