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-   -   Embeddable FLVs + New Galleries, Sites from For The Girls (http://www.xnations.com/showthread.php?t=24823)

KarenJ 06-11-2009 11:17 PM

Embeddable FLVs + New Galleries, Sites from For The Girls
Purple Dollars and For The Girls are now offering embeddable flash videos!

We've got four 30 second promo vids for you to easily embed into your blogs, linklist pages or anywhere you think they'll fit. We've also created downloadable flv and wmv files of these videos in case you want to host larger versions yourself.

We've also released a new batch of hosted free sites, galleries and movie galleries for your linklists and TGPs. Plus a few more banners.

If you haven’t added a "for women" category to your linklist or TGP yet, now’s the time! Purple Dollars now has over 80 individual hosted free sites to choose from and more than 70 galleries.

You can pick up all our galleries at here.

If you have any queries regarding our site, our partnership program or the 'For Women' market in general, drop us a line. We are more than happy to help you out.

Once again, thank you for supporting our program and we look forward to continuing to work with you in the future.

Karen and Debbie
Purple Dollars

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