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12ClicksMichele 06-22-2009 11:41 AM

How was everyone's Father's Day?
Hoping that all the dad's had a good day!

Rochard 06-22-2009 01:07 PM


While I love being a father I could care less about Father's day. So we went to the local water park where we have season passes. My eight year old daughter, a princess through and through, has been going through the process of graduating to the "big kid rides" instead of just the wave pool. I've done all of the rides except for one, called the Stealth; I did some quick research and it's more commonly known as the "Sidewinder". It's like a huge halfpipe. This is the one ride that I'm scared to go on. (I'm very afraid of heights.)

So my daughter, who is afraid of houseflies, decided that she wanted to go on the Stealth. Okay Dad, buck up, be a man; For heaven's sake you've jumped out of perfectly good helicopters before. It was early and it was father's day, the place was empty, so there was really no line. Straight up to the top we went. We were like third or forth, watching the others go down before us. And the entire time my daughter is like "this doesn't look scary".

Son of a bitch, we went down it - screaming all the way!

Evil Chris 06-22-2009 02:02 PM

sounds fun... Ryan loves those things. There's a cool waterpark in Niagara Falls with lot's of scary ones. Not scary to him though.

I had a great Father's Day.

student4ever 06-22-2009 02:04 PM


Originally Posted by Rochard (Post 158680)
Son of a bitch, we went down it - screaming all the way!

if you're not screaming, you're not having enough fun! :laughout:

very cool!

good weekend with lots of time with the kids and was able to get away for a couple good bike rides too :)

BigBrownKablooey 06-23-2009 01:11 PM

My twin brother and I went to the streets and clubbed fathers with their children. It was bloody, it was messy, but it was goddamn fun!

Belated Happy Father's Day!

student4ever 07-05-2009 06:45 PM


Originally Posted by jaksones (Post 158967)
goog job

one thing I hate worse than spammers... spammers that can't spell!

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