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Vid Vicious 06-25-2009 06:52 PM

is jackson really dead ?

bluemoney 06-25-2009 07:19 PM

. . . . as a door nail.

Visualad 06-26-2009 08:17 AM

Sad day. A REAL and truly fantastic music artist is now dead. RIP MJ!

BigBrownKablooey 06-26-2009 09:54 AM

...as a dodo.
...as an eighty year old man's penis.
...as half of the Golden Girls.
...as Fortran and Cobol.

Kenny B 06-26-2009 03:18 PM

When Farrah Fawcett arrived in heaven God granted her one wish. She wished for all the children to be safe....

So god killed Michael Jackson

Evil Chris 06-27-2009 01:18 PM

oh that was lowwwww ;)

bluemoney 06-27-2009 07:27 PM


Originally Posted by Evil Chris (Post 158783)
oh that was lowwwww ;)

Yeah . . . But still funny as hell. I shed no tears for a dead perv.

Cold_ice 06-27-2009 11:08 PM


Originally Posted by Kenny B (Post 158779)
When Farrah Fawcett arrived in heaven God granted her one wish. She wished for all the children to be safe....

So god killed Michael Jackson

Nice, I almost spilled my drink.

kalall 06-29-2009 12:36 PM

Sad but true he is no more world have lost another great artist for sure

TheLegacy 06-30-2009 04:23 PM


Originally Posted by Kenny B (Post 158779)
When Farrah Fawcett arrived in heaven God granted her one wish. She wished for all the children to be safe....

So god killed Michael Jackson

that actually made me laugh

But MJ is passed - amazing from someone who spent their life trying to regain their childhood and keep his youthful looks yet at 50 he's gone. Throughout everything I do feel sad for him. He never did have a normal life, and spent much of his time having his life and innocence taken away by America's making him an icon.

Farrah sadly is over shadowed in all this - she was an amazing woman and someone who was the last of the greatest pin up girls. Everyone I knew when I was a teenager had her famous bathing suit picture either in poster or TShirt (I had one).

SexArise 06-30-2009 06:18 PM


Originally Posted by bluemoney (Post 158784)
Yeah . . . But still funny as hell. I shed no tears for a dead perv.

I'm sure there are many who'll disagree but since MJ never had a childhood, coupled with his messed up upbringing, it makes sense he'd want kids around him a lot, he didn't trust adults.

So if he were still alive would I let my 8 year old near him? No, not likely but again if you consider his whacked out stunts (holding baby outside balcony, etc.) and weigh it against his extremely dysfunctional life from the time he was 5, it kinda makes sense.

B O B 07-01-2009 10:54 AM

IM really gonna miss Farrah..
Michael not so much

student4ever 07-01-2009 01:47 PM

That had to be the strangest thing that happened at Cybernet - sitting in a session where a lot of people were connected to various websites... somebody just blurted out "Did Michael Jackson really die?". Place came to a stop for a while as some were in shock, some joked and more than a few started checking reliable new sources.

Of course, after that, I don't think it was mentioned again...

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