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SexArise 06-30-2009 06:38 PM

Do Horny Guys Really Prefer Blondes?
From SexArise.com:

62% of the 100 richest dudes on the planet married a brunette, a list that includes Bill Gates, while 22% of billionaires married a blonde. Perhaps surprisingly not one redhead made the list. <o></o><o></o>

According to Dr. Kelley Kline the reason for enjoying a brunette, ergo enjoying a naturally darker pussy is biological, stemming from our roots as a species: dark, thick hair is an apparent sign of strength, youth and health, the sign of a fertile woman.

However, an important fact to consider is there are far more brunettes in the world than there are blondes which obviously skew the ratios. While the above study has merit there are some contrasting views too. READ More:


TheLegacy 06-30-2009 07:58 PM

Interesting stats - personally I couldn't care whether she's blonde or brunette as long as I can trust her in a room full of men she could be bald

oceania 07-01-2009 07:44 AM

Legacy darling if she is with you how could she have eyes for anyone else?

B O B 07-01-2009 10:48 AM

I definitely prefer brunettes?
Does that mean Im more in touch with my ancient roots?

born2blog 07-01-2009 01:42 PM

yes I can believe these stats

Itchy 07-01-2009 02:32 PM

Me I like them shaved so hair color is not that important lol

SexArise 07-01-2009 03:25 PM


Originally Posted by B O B (Post 158854)
I definitely prefer brunettes?
Does that mean Im more in touch with my ancient roots?

Ya, I guess it does : )

oceania 07-02-2009 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by B O B (Post 158854)
I definitely prefer brunettes?
Does that mean Im more in touch with my ancient roots?

hmm does the cuff have to match the collar?
wondering how many blondes are coloring their hair to be a brunette?

Cyndalie 07-02-2009 11:39 AM

Horny Guys really prefer blonde girls....to fuck
not marry.

TheEnforcer 07-02-2009 01:07 PM

I've never dated, or had a friend with benefits, that was a blonde in my life. Always been brunettes and a few redheads here and there. I'd certainly do one or both with a blonde just hasn't turned out that way.

TheLegacy 07-03-2009 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by oceania (Post 158853)
Legacy darling if she is with you how could she have eyes for anyone else?

Merci - maybe we should test that theory

12ClicksMichele 07-06-2009 08:36 AM

Interesting article. I found the black hair vs brown hair stats interesting. I thought brown hair would be the higher percentage. You usually see a large range of brown colors vs pure black in my opinion


60% of people have black hair<o:p></o:p>
30% have brown hair<o:p></o:p>
5% have a combination of white and grey hair<o:p></o:p>
2% have blonde hair<o:p></o:p>
1-2% have red hair.

bluemoney 07-06-2009 07:51 PM

Easy answer . . . Horny guys prefer horny girls. * Insert the aforementioned bologna sandwich & beer here *

LizAEBN 07-07-2009 09:11 AM

Redheads are relatively rare, and blonde generally darkens with age - it's a subconcious indicator of youth, but not necessarily of the attributes desirable in a partner/ wife. As Cyndalie notes:
"Horny Guys really prefer blonde girls....to fuck
not marry."

See JFK/ Jackie/ Marilyn triangle - and I suspect many more throughout history.

... Except, of course, Thomas Jefferson ;)

Evil Chris 07-07-2009 10:47 AM

I have found that in my own experience, it's the younger guys (under 25) that prefer blondes.

But then again, in that age bracket, guys are just happy to get laid by anyone. ;)

Vid Vicious 07-07-2009 12:47 PM

brunnettes by nature are more stable.

Sorry blondes but that's been my experience with out fail.

Vid Vicious 07-07-2009 12:48 PM


Originally Posted by Evil Chris (Post 159016)
I have found that in my own experience, it's the younger guys (under 25) that prefer blondes.

But then again, in that age bracket, guys are just happy to get laid by anyone. ;)

Dude there are so many things wrong this this statement ...

is there something your not telling us ?


Evil Chris 07-07-2009 08:14 PM


Originally Posted by Vid Vicious (Post 159028)
Dude there are so many things wrong this this statement ...

is there something your not telling us ?


I dunno... no. :)
Just that the younger guys heads always turn for a hot blonde faster than a brunette. But once I had been around the block (several times), my preference turned to brunettes.

Besides, let's face it, most blondes aren't real blondes anyway.

dyonisus 07-07-2009 09:22 PM

I prefer brunettes
sexier, smarter looking brunettes

thruma 07-08-2009 11:33 AM

As a kid growing up I always heard about blondes this blondes that but I always found myself attracted to brunettes or black hair, really like the black hair.

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