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elmy 07-02-2009 03:18 PM

7 Days Chameleon Confirmer For Free!
Hello all,

from today you have the perfect chance to try our Chameleon Confirmer for FREE!

And not only once, but through 7 days without any limitations you can try how is link confirming easy using Chameleon Confirmer, so
it saves a lot of time!

Just download the latest version of Chameleon Confirmer:

Please save your copy at http://www.chameleonsubmitter.com/demo/Confirm151.exe
and feel free to use the authorization data as shown below:
(username: confirmer / pass: trial)

Let Chameleon work for you! Chameleon Confirmer will take care of your confirmation e-mails coming from submission process in a
matter of seconds.

Do not waste the time, enjoy your life!

If you have any further questions do not hesitate to contact Chameleon Submitter Team at support - ( @ ) - chameleonsubmitter dot com or
ICQ#: one73087451

Best regards,

Chameleon Submitter Team

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