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schilli 03-20-2003 09:50 PM

Buying email lists -- I need some help!
I want to try promoting my site through email and I'm looking for companies that can do a mass opt in or double opt in mail out for me.

I've never done it so I'm looking for advice on who to use, how much I should pay per million and what kinda average #'s I'm looking at.

Input/advice appreciated!

wsjb78 03-21-2003 03:44 AM

Ask Twinkley, she said a while back something about an email partner... as far I got it's just the management of subscribers and mass-sending emails but not that they actually sell lists.
That might get you started!

Clutchmike 03-21-2003 11:46 AM

hit me up on Icq


dyonisus 03-21-2003 12:17 PM

you can hit me up as well, #53520752

here is where we collect double opt in's

LaurieX 03-21-2003 12:47 PM

I rep for a few very reputable companies with good lists please contact me and I will give you all the info.:)

Purple Haze 03-22-2003 01:19 AM

Just a couple of tips that you may or may not know:

Ask for references and Test the list. :)

Also, I'll vouch for Laurie and Twinkley. --see there's your first referral :)

Purple Haze

CasperOne 03-22-2003 04:40 PM

I was thinking of starting one of the j4f programs, are they worth anything?

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