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Elli 07-02-2009 08:25 PM

NEW Dating Site launch: GetItOn.com from Medley!

NEW Dating Site launch: GetItOn.com from FFN


FriendFinder Networks is very pleased to announce its newest dating site: GetitOn.com!

GetitOn.com is a brand new adult dating site! What makes it unique and special? Let's find out!

- brand new database of members! This is *not* a cobrand of AdultFriendFinder.com or our other dating sites!
- member webcam broadcast feature with integrated group chat
- Java-based text search system
- users are matched based on sexual compatibility scores!


How do I Promote GetItOn.com?

- You can use your current Medley account to promote any of our sites, including GetItOn.com. If you don't have an affiliate account with us yet, you can click here to get started!

- Use our handy text search function to create custom landing pages like these:
Big Breast: http://getiton.com/search/g?18PG=1&t...rch=big+breast
Voyeurs: http://getiton.com/search/g?18PG=1&textsearch=voyeurs
Black Booty: http://getiton.com/search/g?18PG=1&t...ch=black+booty

- use our super sticky Geo map banners!

- customize your own flash, geo-targeted, always-refreshing members/models banners!
Just log into your Medley affiliate account and click "Promotional Tools" then "Thumbnails-customize".


How much money can I make with GetItOn.com?

That is up to you! We've launched GetItOn.com with three payout plans:

- Pay Per Click: up to $1 per click
- RevShare: up to 75% initial and 55% recurring
- Pay Per Order: up to $130 per member

** In addition to sharing in the revenue earned, affiliates under the percentage program receive a $1.50 per woman and $1.00 per man FREE signup bonus for the month of July!! **


If you have any questions, please contact your affiliate manager or you can find Sagi at icq #348950862 or Sean (Irish Pimp) at icq #147498861 or aim salesstreamray, or myself at icq# 8526983 yahoo# streamrayelli.

For more info on making money with GetItOn.com,
click here!

Here's to a very profitable summer for everyone!

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