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Virgule3 07-04-2009 12:12 AM

I officially hate men.
Yeah, sorry guys, but again, someone I thought was interesting gave me the boot for no reason!

Man! Why? What do I do to them? What's wrong with me?


Sorry, I need to vent.

SexArise! Chick 07-04-2009 10:19 AM

It's okay. Nothing is wrong with you. Some guys just don't know what they want.


Virgule3 07-04-2009 11:22 AM


Originally Posted by SexArise! Chick (Post 158935)
It's okay. Nothing is wrong with you. Some guys just don't know what they want.


Well, I guess I'm a magnet for them!!! :(

bluemoney 07-04-2009 03:25 PM

Yep! Guys are assholes!

Good thing I dig chicks! :)

Vid Vicious 07-04-2009 04:39 PM

women ask for too much too fast .. only a few months into a relationship and they expect the L word .. wohoa .. i'm still testing the grounds, if we're with ya it's cus we like you .. the "L" word needs to cum by itself ... my last relationship ended because I wouldn't say the L word .. whilst the relationship before that ended because the L word was said to early on in the relationship and lost meaning it's meaning because it was thrown around so much

the moral of the story is .. no two relationships are alike .. you need to let your feelings do the talking not your expectations

be happy

student4ever 07-04-2009 05:03 PM


Originally Posted by Virgule3 (Post 158934)
Yeah, sorry guys, but again, someone I thought was interesting gave me the boot for no reason!

Man! Why? What do I do to them? What's wrong with me?


Sorry, I need to vent.

sorry to hear that - just remember that most men are pretty dumb...

and yes... I can safely say that, knowing how dense I can be at times...

oceania 07-05-2009 01:17 PM

had a similar discussion with Darklady lady at Cybernet. Only we dont hate men - just the trails and tribulations some men put us through - or we allow ourselves to be put through.
It's hard being strong all the time. I am sure guys can relate to that -
and it would be nice to have someone watch your back / put you first.

sending hugs - maybe we should start a club

TheLegacy 07-05-2009 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by Virgule3 (Post 158934)
Yeah, sorry guys, but again, someone I thought was interesting gave me the boot for no reason!

Man! Why? What do I do to them? What's wrong with me?


Sorry, I need to vent.

I don't want to be harsh, but why is your first thought that it was "your" fault or something is wrong with you?

Old saying of mine, "if they can put a man on the moon, why not all of them?"

Are there men who are assholes? Yes
Are there women who are bitches? Yup

Key is to recognize them and steer clear rather than find out the hard way and not just go for a pretty face. Best idea is to make a list of your ideal man, a check list. On the first meeting or date start asking a few questions to break the ice, if you spot any red flags then walk. I am sure by now you know what signs to watch for but NEVER think it's your fault - trick is to know when to say stop before your heart is hurt.

Start by asking, "what similarities have you noticed in the men you're going out with that eventually lead nowhere?". Determining that will be a good start

SexArise! Chick 07-05-2009 05:52 PM


Originally Posted by Virgule3 (Post 158937)
Well, I guess I'm a magnet for them!!! :(

Don`t get attached too quickly. Your not a magnet for them. It just sucks that there is a lot of assholes out there.


bluemoney 07-05-2009 09:40 PM

We're not complex . . . . doggie style sex, followed by a bologna sandwich and a beer.

SexArise! Chick 07-05-2009 10:01 PM


Originally Posted by bluemoney (Post 158972)
We're not complex . . . . doggie style sex, followed by a bologna sandwich and a beer.

LOL :laughout: Boys will be boys.


12ClicksMichele 07-06-2009 08:31 AM

There is nothing wrong with you and you need to stop thinking that. It could be he just wasn't at a place in his life where he was ready for a relationship. There could be a ton of reasons that have nothing to do with you. Just need to get that out of your head and just have fun.

Cyndalie 07-06-2009 10:56 AM


Usually the better match you are for a guy the more scared they get. Let them go, they are just clearing the path for the right one to come and find you.

Virgule3 07-06-2009 11:21 AM

It's just that it is so frustrating. I've been single over 3 years now and it's always the same thing... I'm too independant and I give the feeling I don't need to be with someone... That's one excuse, and my favorite... I was told the same thing 3 times by three very different men: "You are too intelligent and I feel inferior."


student4ever 07-06-2009 12:40 PM


Originally Posted by Virgule3 (Post 158983)
"You are too intelligent and I feel inferior."

sounds like that says a whole lot about how secure those guys were with themselves...

Ronaldo 07-06-2009 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by Virgule3 (Post 158983)
It's just that it is so frustrating. I've been single over 3 years now and it's always the same thing... I'm too independant and I give the feeling I don't need to be with someone... That's one excuse, and my favorite... I was told the same thing 3 times by three very different men: "You are too intelligent and I feel inferior."


Well, with all due respect, it sounds like you may have a bit of a chip on your shoulder. Guys don't need to know that a woman NEEDS a man, but most guys HATE when women try to go out of their way to PROVE they don't need a man. It may sound the same, but it's quite a big difference.

Ronaldo 07-06-2009 04:11 PM

Let me give you one example. Cyndalie is a very intelligent woman, but doesn't feel the need to around TELLING people that she's a very intelligent woman. I like Cyndalie. Yet, another woman on another board used to have these two taglines in her signature..."I'm a smart cookie" and something like, "Men who are intimidated by intelligent women have small penises". PUHLEASE. I've never met that woman and instantly took a disliking to her. Anyone that feels the need to TELL everyone how intelligent they are, isn't as smart as they think are.

There's a big difference between BEING intelligent and HAVING to tell people you ARE intelligent. Just as there is a big difference between NOT needing a man and going out of your way to PROVE you don't need a man. One is perfectly fine, the other is a huge turnoff.

Virgule3 07-06-2009 06:26 PM

Ronaldo, that's the thing... I'm intelligent but not more than any other man or woman, I'm normal. I don't show off, I don't come off as needy or as too independant... I'm the most normal girl ever.

bluemoney 07-06-2009 07:36 PM


Originally Posted by Virgule3 (Post 158983)
It's just that it is so frustrating. I've been single over 3 years now and it's always the same thing... I'm too independant and I give the feeling I don't need to be with someone... That's one excuse, and my favorite... I was told the same thing 3 times by three very different men: "You are too intelligent and I feel inferior."


No worries here! I'm a self professed "dumbass" . . . . Do you like bologna sandwiches?

LizAEBN 07-07-2009 09:15 AM


Originally Posted by Virgule3 (Post 158983)
It's just that it is so frustrating. I've been single over 3 years now and it's always the same thing... I'm too independant and I give the feeling I don't need to be with someone... That's one excuse, and my favorite... I was told the same thing 3 times by three very different men: "You are too intelligent and I feel inferior."


Those aren't guys you want anyhow. Seriously.

Any guy that would tell me I am too intelligent and that he feels inferior - rather than inspired? - is a guy that's too fucking stupid to waste my time with anyhow. He's right: he is inferior, if that's all it takes to wreck his ego. Give me a man that is challenged by my brains any day.

CIVMatt 07-07-2009 09:28 AM


Originally Posted by Virgule3 (Post 158934)
Yeah, sorry guys, but again, someone I thought was interesting gave me the boot for no reason!

Man! Why? What do I do to them? What's wrong with me?


Sorry, I need to vent.

I donno, I like you :)

Vid Vicious 07-07-2009 02:59 PM

Shit flys both ways ...

My ex has been harrassing me for the past two days ... she thought it would be a good idea to show up at a arty i was at, flirt with people i know to get me jealous, I told her not to cum, I told her i'd be with someone i just met ... What she didn't expect was that I was seriously into this other women.

Now I'm a stone cold asshole, that never cared ... Jesus ! .. I haven't answered any of her emails of texts .... Only for each one to get more and more insulting ..

sometimes your just not meant to be ... Be happy for the time you had .. and move on .. there is something great around the corner, i promise.

I know .. it was true for me, approx ten days later I'm very happy with this new women in my life, if only the ex could let go, i might be able to enjoy it

blonda80 07-08-2009 01:14 AM

i want to join the club :)

SexArise! Chick 07-08-2009 08:42 AM


Originally Posted by Ronaldo (Post 158996)
Let me give you one example. Cyndalie is a very intelligent woman, but doesn't feel the need to around TELLING people that she's a very intelligent woman. I like Cyndalie. Yet, another woman on another board used to have these two taglines in her signature..."I'm a smart cookie" and something like, "Men who are intimidated by intelligent women have small penises". PUHLEASE. I've never met that woman and instantly took a disliking to her. Anyone that feels the need to TELL everyone how intelligent they are, isn't as smart as they think are.

There's a big difference between BEING intelligent and HAVING to tell people you ARE intelligent. Just as there is a big difference between NOT needing a man and going out of your way to PROVE you don't need a man. One is perfectly fine, the other is a huge turnoff.

I totally agree with you.

seochick 07-08-2009 11:54 AM

you know what? true GUYS are used to be, always drunk, with big belly, always have an answer, answering question nonsense, gambling, watching games with friends and always eating.. :D any men that dont have or dont do this things are gays... :p

born2blog 07-08-2009 02:35 PM

relationships suck anyway

Vid Vicious 07-08-2009 03:25 PM

its all overrated ! .. step into my shoes for an afternoon and you'll see things you never thought people could do

student4ever 07-08-2009 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by Vid Vicious (Post 159075)
its all overrated ! .. step into my shoes for an afternoon and you'll see things you never thought people could do

you really should consider selling tickets, or possibly a raffle! lol

MediaGuy 07-09-2009 03:37 AM


Originally Posted by Virgule3 (Post 158934)
Yeah, sorry guys, but again, someone I thought was interesting gave me the boot for no reason!

Man! Why? What do I do to them? What's wrong with me?


Sorry, I need to vent.

Sorry to hear that...

Have we met?


Virgule3 07-09-2009 06:00 PM


Originally Posted by MediaGuy (Post 159084)
Sorry to hear that...

Have we met?


Yes, we have, remember? You told me I was hot? But you were drunk...


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