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RD_Shane 07-09-2009 02:13 PM

Free Internext Pass for Listening to Internet Radio!
Ynot, the industry go to site for webmasters is giving away 3 free tickets to Summer Internext! All you have to do is listen to Radio Dentata’s Webmaster Wednesday and you could walk away a winner with a free pass to this summers biggest and best Adult Trade Show. These words could pop up any time so make sure you stay tuned in or you might
miss it!
There is no fee to enter this contest and you don’t have to buy any thing. Just listen to your favorite Webmaster Wednesday shows July 15th between 3pm and 11pm est for one of three secret words then be the first to post it to the Radio Dentata chat room.
The lucky winners will be notified immediately in a private chat to get their contact information.
Listen to Webmaster Wednesday shows, then join the chat room to be the first to post the secret word and win
free internext passes from Ynot.com
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Evil Chris 07-09-2009 11:22 PM

Great deal! I won't be going to Internext though, so if I win, I will re-gift to someone!


RD_Shane 07-10-2009 01:37 PM

I'm sad to hear you won't be there Chris, I was hoping we could set down for a drink and a drunken interview. ;)

oceania 07-13-2009 08:51 AM

but a nice offer to regift it:)
maybe Shane can come up with a a promotion for that too :D

RD_Shane 07-13-2009 05:43 PM

Looks like I have some thing new to work on!
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RD_Shane 07-15-2009 04:05 PM

Today is the day! Tune in and jump in the chat room to be the first to post the secret word and win an Internext badge!

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