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Evil Chris 07-09-2009 11:27 PM

So I haven't been on the board much lately
Work is keeping me away. Crazy, I know... :)

StudioHD is rolling out a brand new Affiliate CMS in the next couple of days, and I have been busy populating it with affiliate promo content, of course running into the occasional road-block, but all in all it's going really well.

I can't wait to show it off to everyone!

student4ever 07-10-2009 02:24 AM

Glad it's all going well Chris, even if it is keeping you that busy. It's tough when life gets in the way of life.

Cyndalie 07-10-2009 09:26 AM

Right on! I've been really busy as well, time is flying!

Evil Chris 07-10-2009 09:58 AM

Another reason I want to roll this out is, I'd like it done before I go away for a week in Vancouver.
Nonetheless, I'll have my laptop with me.

oceania 07-13-2009 08:49 AM

did you check your PMs
glad life is good
busy = good right?

B O B 07-13-2009 01:54 PM

sounds like you are busy Chris!
good stuff!

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