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Evil Chris 07-15-2009 10:29 AM

IE8 - So should I finally upgrade?
My computer reminds me every so often that it wants to upgrade to IE8 but I've been telling it "No" every time so far.

Who's using it? Any problems?
I know the Mozilla people will pipe up here. :)

Danny 07-15-2009 05:13 PM

I mainly use Firefox, but I did install IE8 and have had no problems with it

student4ever 07-15-2009 05:50 PM

have not installed it yet, but have heard of no problems at this point...

there's a patch if you want to fix the registry so you won't get bugged about upgrading ;) lol

Peedy 07-15-2009 06:18 PM

Chris you use IE? Im sorry.

Evil Chris 07-15-2009 06:50 PM

OK I'm thinking I'm fairly safe to upgrade.

Yeah I use IE most of the time. I guess I just need to get into the habit of using FF, which I haven't done yet. Maybe I should put a sticky note to the top of my laptop to remind me to turn on FF every morning.

Peedy 07-15-2009 07:43 PM

The reason I questioned it is because your doing yourself a disservice by using IE. Besides all the security flaws, its the worst standards compliance browser and people are pushing standards pretty hard now that we have Firefox, Opera, Chrome, and Safari all being all standards compliant. At some point some sites (smaller ones at first) will choose not to support IE.

IE8 FINALLY is CSS 2.1 compliant which is at 5 yr old standard. CSS 3 is already starting to be used.

plugin 07-16-2009 05:18 AM

I had the same problem. I'm back ti IE 7

thruma 07-16-2009 05:07 PM

Firefox is totally hands down a better browser but it does pain me to say that IE8 is much faster than FF and doesn't come near to being the memory hog that FF is.

As great as FF is they still haven't fixed the memory problem.

Rochard 07-17-2009 12:39 PM

I was a big Netscape fan and use it until I couldn't view most of the web pages any more. This was back in the day when IE was bland, and Netscape was "pretty" and had a lot features. Then I moved over to IE and used it until about a year ago. I just switched over to FF one day. Easy, simple, done.

student4ever 07-17-2009 01:33 PM


Originally Posted by thruma (Post 159281)
Firefox is totally hands down a better browser but it does pain me to say that IE8 is much faster than FF and doesn't come near to being the memory hog that FF is.

As great as FF is they still haven't fixed the memory problem.

Can't deny the memory issue with FF, especially when you keep gobs of tabs open like I do. Every now and again I have to simply restart it to clear things out.

I don't have IE8 installed, but have you checked the speed of FF3.5 versus IE8? FF3.5 has a lot more zip to it than previous versions.

DonMike 07-17-2009 01:40 PM

Yeah, and the new firefox seems to be working really well for me. I'm a big fan. I have the new IE in case I need to log in to a site I'm in with a different log in. It happens. Or on a rare case where FF isn't working with a particular feature. You know, like on Ebay they have a clock that ticks down the final minutes of an auction but it doesnt' work on FF only IE.

thruma 07-17-2009 11:54 PM


Originally Posted by student4ever (Post 159311)
Can't deny the memory issue with FF, especially when you keep gobs of tabs open like I do. Every now and again I have to simply restart it to clear things out.

I don't have IE8 installed, but have you checked the speed of FF3.5 versus IE8? FF3.5 has a lot more zip to it than previous versions.

Yeah I did do the upgrade and it seems a bit faster but still hogs memory.
I left my FF on overnight just a few days ago with no tabs and the darn thing actually ran itself up to about 350MB or so each of real mem and virtual mem. Just crazy.

I'm here with two tabs open now and my mem is 163 real and 166 virtual.

thruma 07-18-2009 03:39 PM

I just upgraded to FF 3.5.1
It's definitely faster now but we'll see about the memory problem.

They fixed that slow startup thing which was bugging me.

All you need to do is check for updates from the Help menu in FF. :)

that wasn't the direct url to the changes. This one is.

Evil Chris 07-20-2009 02:14 PM

Well, I can't keep holding off much longer. I'll upgrade to IE8 soon and use FF as my backup.

dyonisus 07-21-2009 05:35 PM

FF or Safari here. I am of course a Mac.

I heard Chrome is pretty kick ass.

twinkley 07-22-2009 05:48 PM

FireFox 3.5 and Chrome as a backup.

I heard IE8 had some issues with video/flash, and video based sites wanting to kill MS cause their surfers couldn't auto run video off their sites anymore.

Otherwise, I have heard nothing, but I dont really know many who use IE as their main browser anymore.

If you are looking to play around with something new, I definitely suggest chrome, its pretty nifty!


TheEnforcer 07-22-2009 07:33 PM

I use FF almost exclusively but have IE8 on hand JIC....

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